Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pet-n-You 4th Agility Trial at Mid Valley

Pet-n-You 4th Agility & Obedience Trial was successfully held yesterday inconjuction with PetsWorld 2008 at Mid Valley, Exhibition Hall. This was a picture of me, getting all set up and ready to go.

~ The crate, a new addition to my gear, that cost Ms Owner purse to burn a hole ~

Money and her generous humans gave me a lift, and we reached Mid Valley at 10.00am. The obedience trial seemed to take forever, cause I'm so boring sitting in my crate. Maybe I should enrol for obedience next time, just to make my mind occupied (just a suggestion, after I noticed the 'huge' Happy Dog food).

~ The big crowd by obedience ring ~

The clock was ticking down to 2pm. Ms Owner bring me for potty a few times. I actually poo-ed once and pee-ed twice at the assigned doggie toilet, and yet I still fouled the ring (I'll elaborate about it in the next post).

~ When's my turn? I can't wait to stretch my muscle ~

Due to the stressed Ms Owner was experiencing, she was in no mood to capture any picture of the agility course itself. She was too preoccupied in memorizing the course, and asking me to 'focus!' and 'stop snapping human's finger!' (Sorry, just can't control myself, those fingers looks like sausages to me).

Apart from some Pacco's bloopers during the standard run, finally I manage to win my 'Jumper' class with style. Ms Owner feels that I'm darn fast, just like ballistic missiles. But I still didn't know my timing, all I knew was I won and I wanted to go home.

Upon reaching home, we had our dinner. Then.....

~ The K.O. team ~

Here, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate my pal, Scruffy for winning the Obedience Novice class. Well done, boy!


Moco said...

Great job Pacco and Ms. Owner. You show them that you are just as good as those pups with all the fancy papers.

Duke said...

Congratulations, Pacco! We knew you'd win! You're a star!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Elayne said...

Congrats to Pacco for his first place finish, great job!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco!
Congratulations for your first place! As always... good job!
I love that picture of the K.O. team!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

woofies and burf's Pacco...congrats on a job well new u wood win..u iz to fast...

b safe,
Rocky and ;)angel lacylulu

Peanut said...

Good job.


Pacco the world class jumper. Congrats.

Amber-Mae said...

Pacco, was nice seeing you yesterday. You did exceptionally well during basic jumpers class but the other two classes, was too funny to watch. You must have been tooo excited that it just had to come out, kekeke! But job well done!

Love licks,
Slid Gold Dancer

the many Bs said...

hey Pacco, good job on the jumping. we are happy for you. that's a pretty cute picture of you and your peep all crashed out and napping afterwards.


Noah the Airedale said...

Good stuff Pacco. You're a champion. Congrats on your win.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Mack said...

You pose so well! And you are a jumper extrordinaire!

Juno said...

Congrats, Pacco!! We love the last picure! Surely you two had a great day!

Momo & Pinot

Charlie said...

Pacco, you won the jumper class! That's outstanding!! No wonder you're all knocked out in that last picture.
- Charlie

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you and Ms Owner sure work very hard.. Good job..

~ Girl girl

sharkgila said...

Congrats Pacco and Ms Owner. You're always a winner. Salute!


Cassidy said...

Well done once again Pacco, you be a star!

Cassidy x

Johann The Dog said...

Big congrats on your win! You two look like we do after our trials - exhausted! Woofs, Johann

Princess Patches said...

Congrats on your win, Pacco! We like the picture of the K.O. Team!

Poppy & Penny

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You did a great job. We are so proud of you.. The picture of you 2 sleeping is just precious..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Islay said...

top class stuff, Pacco! You sure have a nice human.

licks & slobbers

Kim said...

Congratulations! What an exciting day.

Kirby said...

Way to go Pacco! I saw that you won first prize in one of Amber's photos and I was so proud of you. I was like 'Hey, I know Pacco!' Keep up the great work of winning! He he!

Your pal,

Deefor said...

Pacco! Good work . All that waiting around and then winning the jump. Looks like a long day.


Kapp pack said...

COngrats! Looked like it was lots of fun!

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats Pacco and Ms Owner!!
The last picture is pretty cool!


Xsara and Tani said...

Congrats Pacco! Maybe you should try obedience as well - it's way less boring than waiting in a crate :) and if the prize is FOOD, than you should definitely try! Just blame it on your owner if it doesn't go well (but I'm sure you wouldn't have any problems with it).

Simba and Jazzi said...

You deserved a nap after all that. You did really well.

Simba x

Amber said...

Congrats Pacco! You and your owner sure is prepare for event. It was so tiring after the event, me and mom KO too and we were there only for around2 hours.. haha


Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Wow that is a cool kennel and your soooo worth it - we don't blame you for passing out - what a long day - you really do work hard.