Thursday, July 03, 2008

Malaysia 3rd Dog Olympic Day 2008

29 June 2008

~ Face it. This not the worst thing you caught me doing. As I maintained my 100% elimination rate on grass ~

We thought of delaying this post until she manage grab as many photos as possible from someone else. At the same time, she's afraid of amnesia and forgotten what to brag about. This year, the Dog Olympic Day was not as crowded as previous year, might be due to the MKA Dog Show scheduled on the same day.

We signed up for the Agility Trial. No class being specify, only maxi and mini dogs category. My pal claimed that it looks like a Snooker course, although I had totally no idea about it. All I heard before is Steeplechase. The fact is, the course is a non-regular agility course. Seeing Hannah have to 'fuss' aka 'heel' from one end of the ring to the opposite end just to do the next obstacle without going off-course, speak volumes. Bravo to the teams who manage to pull this off with minimum faults. Congratulations to Amber and Cami who appear to be among the top finishers.

Even after 10 contestant had finished their run, my handler's vision of the course remain very hazy. To save her from embrassment, standing in the middle wondering where to head next, I decided to take off by myself running and circling the field on my own. She stare at me with her laser eye that's capable of burning through my head. 'Oooops, I did it again'. So she paid RM30 just to let me put my paws on the dog walk and A frame.

~ She was trying to force some positive karma to my head ~

However, that was no time for regret, mourning or busy pissing each other. We composed ourselves and concentrate on our remaining workload of the day. As usual, I succeed in Simon Say again for the 3rd time and the game was getting more and more obedience orientated. Previously, their emphasize alot on 'down stay'. 'Down stay' while your owner jump over and running around you. This time, they emphasize on 'stand stay'. 'Stand stay' while your owner run around you and walk away 20 steps.

There was also hurdle race, which I bobbled twice during the course, thus I didn't stand a chance. But Top 3 prizes all won by my own pals, Groovy, Cami and Russell, which was sweet. I got pretty embrassed with myself as I own the longest legs among them. Next there was 60 weave poles challenge. She was so worried that I might pop out, until she tried to guide me into every single poles. I completed it clean, but was so slow. Trust Pacco to know when to use the right speed. When she wants 'slow', I go maniac, when she wants 'fast', I'm taking my own sweet time. That's my way to keep her feeling entertain.

~ Russell completing the 60 weave poles challenge and he got 3rd ~

~ A group photo with my friends along with our hard earned medals ~

I only earned 2 bags, while she eagerly went to answer a Trivia question and got me another bag. Obviously she's shameless and will do whatever it takes for the dog food. By the end of the day, that's what matter most for us, another 3 months of food supply.

~ Me with a decent haul. 3 bags, not bad huh? ~


Lizzy said...


Congratulations! That looks like a fun day... I think you did grrrrEAT on the 60 weave poles challenge! I've never done more than 20 before...

I love the new header at the top of your blog!


Muttsandaklutz said...

Oh Pacco I think you did a GREAT job! Those weaves didn't look slow at all! I would love if my dogs could weave half as well as you! Congrats on taking home another 3 bags, woo hoo!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Way to go Pacco! What an excellent haul from 1 day's work. We saw you in the agility ring. Recognised you from your awesome jumps before the event!

Kim said...

Wow, Good job Pacco. Those weaves were great! Maggie would get dizzy and fall over from doing so many weaves in a row.

Anonymous said...

Another great meddle hunting day hor. 2 big pats on your back Pacco.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Congratulations, you all did so well. There were lots of people there, glad they didn't put you off.

Simba x

BrandytheGreat said...

Congrats! I wouldnt enjoy the 60 weave poles either. Would give me a headache!

i said...

Congrats, Pacco! Great job! You got 3 bags of food too? Wonderful!

Goofy said...


you're really pawsome in those events!!


Duke said...

Wow! 60 weave poles is a lot! We were getting dizzy just watching you!
We love your new header!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

powder-puff said...


You were Fantastic!

Especially on the 60 weave pole challenge!


Moco said...

You looked like you were doing a great job on that weaving. You put up with a lot more than I would.

Groovy Dogs Just Wanna Hv Fun said...

Nice work Pac at Simon Says n fastest Recall.

PPcom should hv left d agility course design to d appointed judge, which is d norm in all trials.

Wonder what they r trying to proove by designing such an absurd course. No wonder their events always hv a tinge of bias. Luckily, they only organise agility trials once a year.

Gussie said...

Grrrreat weaving action, Pacco! The thought of 60 poles makes us want to lounge on the sofa in awe. :-)

the many Bs said...

hi Pacco, we think you did pretty well, earning 2 medals and 3 bags of food. those weave poles look so difficult. we're just impressed that you can do it. you & your pals look cute all lined up together with your medals.


Noah the Airedale said...

Wow 3 bags of dog food and 2 medals. You did really well Pacco. Congratulations.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

L said...

Congratulations on your medals! Please don't post any more pictures of the food you won.... our girl is now mumbling something about making us earn our keep! YIKES!

Comet and BLU

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco!
60 weave poles??? OMD!
Do you eat all that food??
Kisses and hugs

Deefor said...

Great job Pacco! I loved watching your video-- especially your happy jump at the end. Looks like you won't be going hungry. You work hard for your food. Hope you had fun.


Amber-Mae said...

That's a great haul you got there girl! I got sooo much of the Pro Plan food now that we don't know what to do with them. Those are some great weaving there. Did you miss any poles coz I don't see you did!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kyanite said...

Congrats to you!
Love the medals & winning doggy food has to be best.

Pats & pets


Wow, that sure was a pawsome story. We can't wait to hear about the day that Paco takes home all the gold medals.

Essex & Deacon

Clover said...

Hi Pacco!
Pawesome work! Congrats on your winnings!!
Love Clover xo

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow you must have done better than Mom makes it sound you got the hardware to prove it.. Oh and the free food now that is nothing to cry about.. Congrads...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie, Callie

Eric said...

Pacco saluting you ! High fives!!! Wooo- 2 medals!!!! Those poles weaves were fun to watch er...ddid you count the poles Pacco ...ere mmm can you count up to sixty??? Doggablogging you deserve another medal for that!!!

Wiry Wags, Eric x

Joe Stains said...

Well I think you did GREAT!

Toffee said...

I was seriously tired just watching that weave pole challenge - congrats to you and your friends! I am so proud of you!

Cynthia Blue said...

That looks like a ton of fun! :) Congrats on the good day.

Thor and Jack said...

Congratulations, Pacco!! You did very well!!


Chen said...

Congrats Pacco :)
I saw your video clips in Neo's Hotscreensaver website :)

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


I just realized that your tongue is kinda purple! That is way awesome!

Congrats on the awards!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Johann The Dog said...

Wow you did the 60 pole challenge, that is sooo cool! You looked great. Hmmmmm....wonder if Mum had Gracie do 60, she'd get her rhythm down better. Hmmmm.....

Ben & Darling said...

Congrat Pacco!!! You know what, mom said you are great for earning your own meal. She said we should learn from you instead of begging food from her...

slurpy licks,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh.. You did pawsome Pacco

~ Girl girl

Juno said...

Wow, Pacco!!! Congratulations and that video is pawsome!!

Momo & Pinot

Biggie-Z said...

Wow, I don't think those 60 weave poles looked slow AT ALL! I move so sloooow unless I am guarding, that that agility looked really fast to me!

You must have a lot of Working Dog in you, since your Ms. Owner makes you work so hard for your food!

Pacco, as always, you love so pretty. Congratulations on your medals!

Love, Biggie

Girasol said...

Congratulations! Pacco you are the best!