Our triumphant arrival was warmly welcome by the residential mutts. "Aloha". There were a large group of them accompanied by their owners. They put me in shamed by demonstrating their impecable obedience skills.

Once, the residential mutts have set off into the woods, giving us their consent to enjoy at their territory, Scruffy and Ginger were the first to kick off the electric buzz of excitement by jumping, swimming and splashing with the balls.

After tiring out ourselves with swimming and running, the humans were ready enjoy their breakfast. The menu includes, sandwiches (delicious), banana (yucks), pure lotus mooncake (our favourite!), nasi lemak and chicken liver (for dogs!). While, we dogs, snooping around opportunistically awaiting for a chunk of food to fall from above. However, all we got was our head soaked with overflow of mayonise dripped from the sandwiches.

It sure looks like you had fun. Those are some pawtastic pictures.
Essex & Deacon
What a wonderful day you had Pacco, but why did you need the lifejacket, you are the Phelps of the dog world, no?
Are you swimming with that life jacket? You look like you had some really fun times and yummy food. Are Jiro and Ayako doggies or monkeys? They're cute- whatever.
Looks like you all had such a wonderful time Pacco! We especially enjoyed that first picture of you! You truly do look like you are the Queen of the World! We love reading about your adventures!
Ozzie & Rocky
That was soooo a happy bunch o pups!
And woo made a great khween of the world!!
Have a good weekend - make sure you get out and PLAY something!!!
What a great trip Pacco...amd yummmmm can I lick the top of your head?
Wags, Eric
omdog, another trip? pacco, you are one lucky gal.
wet wet licks
So swimming not your strong point...doesn't matter. You're good at everything else.
Looks like a fantastic place - you dogs must've had fun!!! Wish I could be there with you!
you lead such an adventurous life! We have a boring life. Can we live with you??
Rambo & MM
hey Pacco, that looked like a lot of fun. why were you swimming with a life jacket? we thought you were a good swimmer anyway.
That looks like a fine day out. You are looking good in that life jacket, but it needs to be pink.
what a great day! having fun at that awesome spot...jumping, running, swimming,playing ball...
Sounds like you had a wonderful day swimmimg, running, jumping and having fun with your friends!
Love and licks
Was this the same place Amber mae just went to??
Must be the bestest doggie place in the world to swim!!!
Love those pictures...especially of the jumping!
this looks like a beautiful spot - and in very nice company, too!
Aww Pacco! You have the bestest water adventure EVER!
I love the last pic of you...so intent with your tail so high in the air...so pretty!
& congrats for all your medals at the PAWLYMPICS!
love & licks,
Hi Pacco!
Remember us? We haven't been blogging regularly and haven't even been reading blogs but we put our paws down and demanded that Mom help us visit our friends and leave some comments. We won't make it to all of the blogs but at the least we can make a good start. We hope you are going well. We will come back soon to find out what you have been doing all summer.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
What a great time you had in all that water! Looks like you had a ton of fun.
Wow, how come the water sooo low then? The day we went was like sooo deep! Anyway, hope you guys had a fun time!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What another great day! You have a lifejacket just like me! Looks good on you.
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