When I first introduced myself to a flyball box, I wonder what the heck is that? A box that kidnap my tennis ball. I look and look, stuck my muzzle in and nothing seems to work. My precious ball is trap and he's demanding me to come to his rescue.
Soon after, I learnt about the mechanism behind this complicated work. I need to trigger the paddle with my manicured paws to release the ball. After I had succeeded, I felt a twinge of pride, like James Bond breaking the code to save the world.

She had finally brought herself to read the first Ian Fleming novel, the Casino Royale and noticed what a huge difference this novel adaptation had with other novels that made into movie. Take Harry Potter for example, almost 70% of the novel's content are being butchered in the movie. What a waste. But in the case of Casino Royale, the novel only talks about the poker game, and Mr. Bond got physically tortured by Le Chiffre. No Jamaica chasing stunt, no Miami airport chasing scene and no Venice building collapsing. Those are the parts that made a great action movie.
That's so clever Pacco. Good thing you rescue that tennis ball
~ Girl girl
You are so clever to figure that tennis ball thing out. I doubt that their are many who could have done such a good job.
We like this new James Bond.
Very good that you have gotten those awards. Congrats.
Hi Pacco,
You are so smart you put me to shame.. **hangs head in shame**
Psst. My Border Collie sister proved to me that BCs are not just 'mad'.. they are destructive, hyperactive, eat a lot, etc...
pacco, i saw your flyball box was wondering how you trigger the paddle... mind showing us a video?
wet wet licks
Pacco, you're not only brilliant at flyball, you look good too with manicured paws and all. Do you get facials too?
Your new flyball box is the koolest around! I can't wait to get my un-manicured paw paws on that too! Wheeee! See you this weekend!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You go dude!!!!
So furry khlever woo are!
That is soooo cool!!!!
But I think my brother Rusty will jump on top of the flybox and just stand there. LOL!!
I think your new name should be Pacco, James Pacco.
Whoa that tennis ball thing is soooooo cooooolll(like you) We would have just stared at it to come out..or maybe cray attack it..Love A+A
Hi Pacco!
Good for you, cracking that code! You are a smart girl!
Love Clover xo
We loved that movie. Mom thinks he is so handsome...
You are doing so great with your fly-ball. We are so proud of you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a talented dog you are Pacco ! You seem to really do well at whatever you try!
Nikki and Momma tried flyball but neither liked it too much so we are gonna stick with agility.
You are so smart, Pacco! We don't think there's anything you can't figure out!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Pacco!
Good job! As always!
Kisses and hugs
I saw a flyball demonstration last year and went NUTS! I got to try it a little and they said I had the ability. Too bad Mom didn't take me to classes, I bet I would've been good at it.
I've never done flyball yet, but oh, how I'd love too! It looks like so much fun!
Good job on figuring out how to get the tennis ball out from the box!
You are brilliant, Pacco!
That tennis ball was lucky you were there to save it.
Simba x
Now Pacco..
That's a game me and my Mom can sink our teeth inta.....we need ta try that someday....I can see that yer superior intelligence has allowed ya ta master the game in record time....great job....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi Pacco
You cracked the code for me too. I didn't know what fly ball was. You are very smart.
Congratulations on your awards.
I'm so proud of you, Pacco.
I think James Bond still has a lot to learn from you.
Please come to my blog to pick up your award, choose your favorite one, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you.
I know my mutt Ace would love flyball. You are lucky you get to play.
hi Pacco, you are so smart to figure out how to get your tennis ball out of that box. we would love to see what happens next with the tennis ball, or maybe nothing happens. James Bond is not nearly as clever as you are - or as cute!
You are so smart and capable of figure things out.
Hey Pacco, that's clever to break the code, i don't think i'm able to do that. I didn't know much of the movie but the hoomans can't wait to watch quantum of solace :)
~Amber :)
Pacco, we are sure that tennis ball is much happier in your jaws than in the flyball thingy!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Pacco, we are sure that tennis ball is much happier in your jaws than in the flyball thingy!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hey that's you Pacco - Double-O-Dog! I didn't like the flyball because I was too careful with my little white paws, but my brother loved it!
Come over and see the prize I have for you!
licks & slobbers
you are sure pretty smart pacco...very very smart
So, special agent Pacco. You will show the flyball box NO MERCY. Bwah-hah-hah.
Keep up the good work.
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