Yesterday was the annual Malaysia Responsible Dog Ownership Day 2008. We reached Central Park as early as 8am. I ran around to blow off some steam and did some heeling exercise. Then we found a pawfect spot to settle our stuff. I'm pretty lonely on that day because my friend, Mr. Mafia is missing in action.

The first game was the Hurdle Race. Ms Owner the thoughtless one, thought it will be pretty cool to run me offleash. So off I went and did a round of zoomie to impress the crowd. At the same time, I can sense the volcano eruption is boiling in her head. Thus, I quickly gather meself and zoomed back to first hurdle and off I went and cleared them all. Phew! Luckily, we still manage a 2nd spot. In a way, she's happy for the 2nd place because we got 2 packs of dog food, instead of one, which is offered for 1st (with human goodie hamper) and 3rd placing. See? I knew about that all along, that's why I went for a zoomie to delay my timing.

For the 1st time ever, I failed in Simon Says. Her brain had lost its quick thinking due to old age, I suppose. Then the bad news for getting 4th place in Longest Stay. With Mr. Mafia MIA-ing, I thought I stand a good chance. If only I hold on a little longer, I might have scrap through. Later that day, Groovy and Kimi Chai came after their training lesson at Pet-n-You, and together we threesome joined the 60 weave poles challenge. We weave and weave, till we were drunked dogs. Groovy did his classic last pole pop off syndrome, while Kimi losing gear during the final stage. As for me, my owner got out of breath from chanting 'weave, weave, weav, wea, we, v, v.....'. Finally, Kimi Chai did us proud for claiming the 3rd place. Well done, kid.
(* Photo from Malaysia Olympic Day 2008)
Wow looks like lots of fun!
We love zoomies too and our Momma's head sometimes is ready to blow up too when we do that!
So funny!!!
Not ( she says )
Hi Pacco!
It was so nice to meet you and your owner that day! Congrats on winning 2nd place for the hurdles!
Congrats on your win!!
Nice to meet you that day. Rusty was being an idiot as usual. He went to "cari gaduh" everywhere...
I bet the crowd loved your zoomies Pacco. That's a great stretch you're in just before the hurdle. You're so athletic!
Noah xx
Pacco, zoomies are such a good warm-up exercise for any activity -can't blame you for wanting to be in good shape before doing your hurdles! Congrats on 2nd place and on all the fun you must've had during the day!
Zoomies and two bags of dog food. What could be better?
What happened to Mr. Mafia? Noticed he wasn't there too except Gingi. You did exceptionally well that day. Atleast you brought home two bags of food. It was an OK day for me. Was basically bored sitting at the booth the whole day but then messed up during the 60 weave pole game.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pacco...that looks like a really fun day! And 2nd place is pretty darn good!!
Pacco Win ow loose you'we the bEst
smoochie kisses
Hey Pacco - two bags of food and zoomies for 2nd place? That's POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT not to win! Well done, sounds like great fun. Gus n Jake
Pacco, you are so smart! Delay your time with some zoomies and get more food for you...brilliant! I'm glad you had a good time, too bad about simon says. We all get a bit loopey now and then. He he he!!
Your pal,
Hi, Pacco!
Sorry about the Simon says!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on winning second place for zoomies....oh wait, that's for jumping! hehehe. Congrats anyway!
You are so clever. Of course you knew the prize you wanted and went straight away for it. Was steam coming out of Ms. Owners head?
Congratulations, you did so well.
Simba x
We just love watching you work, Pacco! Great job and congratulations!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Every doggie needs to zoom a l little. Great picture of you flying. Super doggie. You must have enough dog food for years!
I saw from Scottie's blog that woo had a great day and got to meet lots of khanine bloggers!
That was furry khool!
yeah pacco, didn't meet up with you coz i was pretty poop after few rounds of walking the field. though 4th place but still a job well done i say.
wet wet licks
Hey there Pacco, didn't go to the event cause the hoomans had other plans that time. You did well done job as always!
big licks
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