Sunday, January 11, 2009

Potluck Pawty

On the 28th December last month, Pet-n-You organized a potluck party at the training ground. With the mentioned of 'food', that's enough to make both of us drool, but due to her unrecovered sickness, she's not in the mood to eat much.

The cakes by Brandy looks totaly awesome and too pretty to be eaten.

This is my new pal, Happy who has a pair of unique ears.

Mr Kimi bought me a new bowl for Christmas, which increased my appetite tremendously. This is my prettiest dog bowl ever, because I only have cheap plastic ones.

Ms Owner will be shifting to a new office on the 15th January, so she had yet to decorate her table. Hopefully we will be able to show some photos of the newly decorated office.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The khake does look yummy!

And the bowl is such a great kholour fur woo!

Sorry WOO didn't get snow either - BOL!!!


Agatha and Archie said...

Your friend Happy looks very happy!! And the cake looks yummy!! Your bowl is beautifull!!!! Love A+A

Stella said...

Has Ms. Owner upgraded your food to go with that snazzy new bowl? It seems to me that sometime back you mentioned you would like for her to do this.

Your new pal is a cool looking pup! Have fun!


Pee-ess: Did you get in touch with the weatherman and would he help you?. Its the second request I have had for snow in Malaysia and you may have to get a machine to make the snow. Let me know.

Life With Dogs said...

We want to jump on that cake right now!

L said...

Those cakes are beautiful. Your new bowl is very nice. Does food taste better in it?

Lorenza said...

Happy has happy ears!
Your new bowl is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Those cakes do look too pretty to eat!
We love your pretty new bowl, Pacco!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


A paw-luck dinner, that sure sounds like fun. Hopefully, you got lots of treats.

Essex & Deacon

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! Looks like a great pawty & yeah, anything with FOOD is good enuf for me too! The cakes look really great & I bet they tasted as great as they looked. Your new bowl is very pretty too. Looks like it's made out of porcelain. Becareful with that bowl okay? We have accidentally tipped a few of ours already till they shattered. Ooops!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

We hope that pretty dishy makes you super hungry!!

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

That's an awesome looking cake! But ... no snow?


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hi Pacco!!!!!!!
Nice to meet you!!!!
We're very very happy that you have stopped at our blog!!!
We love have new friends in hte world!!!
Can we add your blog at ours??
You're very very handsom!!!!
And.....what's a great party!!!!
cakes looks like so good!!!you're lucky!!!!
we stopping at your blog a lot!!!!
have a great day!!!!
lots of love and kisses from Italy!!!!

Bae Bae said...

Nice bowl you have and what a fun pawty you doggies had

~ Bae

Simba and Jazzi said...

Look at all that yummy food! That is what I call a party.

Simba x

Amber said...

Hey Pacco! Nice bowl you have. Wa, so many yummy cakes

Amber licks!!

i said...

Happy New Year! Wow, that looks like a great pawty! The cakes looked really good too!

Dewey Dewster said...

Now that looks like a pawsome pawty ya all had there and the cake is beautiful....much too nice ta cut 'n eat...that's a pretty bowl....hope ya enjoy it....'n yer friend's ears look like Jake's ears in Florida...maybe they're that would be funny....

Dewey Dewster here....

Huskee and Hershey said...

That bowl is very pretty and the cake is beautiful!! (But no matter how beautiful the cake is, I'll still eat it..Heehee)

Moco said...

What a wonderful Christmas bowl. We are sure that the food tastes better in that bowl.
Where can we sign up for your daycare? You are doing an excellent job.

Randi said...

Awww...Pacco! That is a very pretty bowl to be eating out of!

you are so ladylike!

Love & Licks,

the many Bs said...

hi Pacco, that was a fun party. did you ever get a piece of that cake?


Teddy said...

That is a pretty bowl and big to hold lots of food...perfect!!


Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Wow, big pawty!!! with great food!!! looks like everyone getting new bowl, new stuff for xmas & new year. MOM~~~~~wheres mine???

slurpy licks,

Girasol said...

I bet you enjoyed that yummy food!

Ashley said...

What a beautiful new bowl! I am sure it makes your food taste much better :)

We are finally back to blogging, so check out our blog again when you are free :)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, I'm still drooling at the cake! J x

Sharon said...

Hi Pacco,
that Pawty thing with lots of FOOD sounds like a lot of fun! And your new blue bowl IS beautiful!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow...I heart the 2009 cake. Your friend sure knows how to make pretty cakes, Pacco! Does she do it for sale too?

The bowl you got is very pretty the blue color on it *wink*

Hope you have a great weekend, and Happy Chinese New Year!


Behr Behr said...

Wow, I really like that 2009 cake!! Amazing decorator. I'm drooling, just looking at it....

You sure are lucky to live where people have pet pawties like that. We don't have very many things like that where I live.

Behr Behr :)

Home exchange said...

These photos are wonderful! I now very much want to go to Japan! Really great selection, well taken! Your blog is so varied, it's great! :D