Friday, April 25, 2008

Scary Eye

Deetz the Airedale Terror had host a Scary Eye Contest for us pup to showcase the scawy side of us. Photo featured below were not digitally edited in any form.

Below was my diamond-looking eye. It was a picture taken 2 years ago from my vintage camera, that time I'm still sleeping outdoor with my blankey.

Tomorrow will be the weekend. I'm going jungle trekking with my pal. Recently, our group had shrunk to just a few of us. Fortunately, we had recruited a new trekker, is Daisy, a mixed who resemble a Pointer. As usual I try to bully every new kid that came to my jungle, Ms Owner assume I had now taken over the title "JT's Big Bully". Anyway, I will try to capture a picture of Daisy soon.


Deetz said...

Pacco, those scary eye photos are terrific!!! Especially the second think it may be a winner....! Thanks Pacco and mum has saved the photos to be entered in the contest....
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lacy said...

woofies Pacco, me loves ur skeery picturs...haff fun dis weekend...

b safe,

Harry said...

Great scary eyes! Mine glow the whole time so getting a photo should be easy.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Deefor said...

Those scary eyes are wild! Verry scary-- like a horror movie.


Southbaygirl said...

Pacco, A trek with a new friend? Sounds like a nice weekend!

The second picture was really a scary picture! Scary eyes!!!


Amber-Mae said...

Ooooh, good job with the eyes Pacco! Yeah, heard that Daisy now goes for Jungle Trekking. She does look like one of those Pedigree dogs for a mutt huh? When will we ever get to go to Bukit Gasing??? Sigh...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kirby said...

Pacco, those are some scary eyes! I sure hope you have a wonderful time on your jungle trek. Take lots of pictures, cuz I love to see where you go hiking.

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco!
In that picture you really have scary eyes!
Have fun on your jungle trekking and yes, take lots of pictures to show us, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Your photos are awesomely scary! You almost look like a stuffed toy with yellow sparkly diamonds for eyes!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Weeny&Daisy said...

OOO! We like your sparkly eye picture! xxx

Duke said...

That's a seriously scary picture, Pacco! Is there anything you can't do well?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


Wow, what eyes. You are ready for Collieween. We've herd of black cats before, but know we know black Pacco's are even scarier.

Lizzy said...

Pacco, even if your eyes are supposed to be scary, I think they're beautiful! At least, in the first picture they are. I'm not too sure about the second one, though... That one's pretty scary.

Daisy must be a beauty! But probably not as beautiful as you, of course. I hope to see pictures soon!

I hope you're having a grrrrEAT weekend!


Anonymous said...

Wow sparkly eyes! You know who has eyes like this? C3PO from star wars. :)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, I love that last photo! You look pawsome! J x

Eric said...

OOOh Pacco, fab shot of you in that last photo. Do you have x-ray vision or something??????

Wagging, Eric

T-man Angel said...

Whoa!! Those diamond eyes look like headlights on a car!! Pretty scary...brrr....

Gussie said...

Re pic number 2 - Who are you, and what have you done with Pacco???? Gus n Jake

Johann The Dog said...

Oh my dog! You made Gracie hide under her doggie bed! Very scary!

Woofs, Johann

Cynthia Blue said...

LOL those are great pics!

Girasol said...

those eyes are scary!