When she told me that dumbell is an essential piece of equipment in the obedience right, I shrug and give her an amused grin, like I care. But once she redirect her approach and told me that how the dumbell exercise and keep me slim and slender, with muscular jaw, I'm in awed. How can it never occur to me in that sense? Now I'm untterly devoted to workout every evening.

Lesson 2 from Control Unleashed, the game 'LAT' (Look at That). According to Leslie McDevitt, the owner needs to cue the reactive pooch to look at the 'subject' that will trigger a reaction before the dog spot it first. Once the dog LAT and before reacting, reward for the calmness. So, if the dog starts going nuts, barking and lunging, forget it and try again next time. The aim is to teach the dog to re-orient his focus back to the owner for the reward, instead of reacting to the particular trigger.
I hope what Ms Owner had deduce from her limited resources is right, afterall we didn't actually purchase the book. As a highly trained science student, is time to test out the hypothesis. Subject: The little chihuahua with the body size barely bigger than my head coming across the field. She starts to point and said "Look at That". Huh?! What? Oh, I see, it a little mouse. He looks interesting. She continue "Look at That". Hey, I think I should check him out to confirm his species. She still continue "Look at That". Erm... I know, is a new chihuahua. She doesn't seem to stop. "Look at That". Okay, now I'm annoyed. What's the big deal about the mouse-like dog. Can't we do something else?
I can clarify here, she is all wrong. I thought she is suppose to treat me when I look. Although it doesn't seems to follow the intended idea of re-orient the focus, at least she achieve making me loss focus of the subject that suppose to triger.

By the way, I would like to recommend this poo bag that we bought from Ikea, cost RM2.50 with 50 pcs. It easy and neat, no hassle anymore. Okay, I know we're being environmental un-friendly for buying poo bags instead of recycling from the kitchen, but now we can save time searching for it every weekend. Not cost saving, but time saving. Is still saving, nonetheless.
I bet you have very strong jaw muscles now Pacco from all the dumbell training
~ Girl girl
Impressive dumbbell work! We have those poop bags too - they are great...
Interesting stuff about LAT. Wonder if that would work on me and my obsession with cars?
Khould one substitute - ahhh - say a khat for the dumb bell thingie?
Thanks for the dumbell tips. I should try it out sometime to workout my jaw muscles just in case I ever get to carry a big fat bird home. Stop by my blog sometime. I have an award for you.
Oh, I didn't know the dumbbell can make our jaws more muscular & stronger. Thanks for the tips tho!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I went to a Control Unleashed seminar last year. We did lots of LAT work. I'm a pro!
Mom wants to know if she works out with those dumbells can she also be slim and trim like you, Pacco?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for the exercise tips, but I am way too small to lift dumbells. Any ideas for a teeny chihuahua? I need to exercise cause I'm gettin fat.
Ooo I wonder if it'd make me even prettier! You do look very strong and good!
Well, that exercise thing might work fur me if we could call it a smartbell instead of a dumbbell.
Woos, Thunder of the OP Pack
Aw Pacco...
Look at that....ya have a dumbell in yer mouth....'n I bet ya have jaws of steel too from usin' 'em....don't know about all the trainin' stuff but if it works fer ya it must be good....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Pacco!
Me and my mom will follow your tips!
Kisses and hugs
You have very strong jaw muscles to hold that dumbbell. You are one muscular gal.
Soon you will MS. Owner trained and all this nonsense will stop.
Wow, dumbbells! Your jaw muscles must be really strong to be able to hold that!
By the way, I have an award for you. I know we don't have autumn here but...
Hi Pacco!
Good work with the dumbell! I wondered how you were so in shape..
Love Clover xo
We have an award for you, Pacco!
Check out our blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Pacco! Oh we missed visiting you! we got a computee to use till ours is fixed but it doesn't show all the pictures. We SO agree you should get the treat when you look. We gots so much to catchup on you bloggie we'll be back after we say hello to everyone
Lots of Love Licks and congrats on your awards! xoxo
I think Tanner needs to lift that barbell 60 times a day!!
Ooooo yea! Work those muscles Pacco!
I have some poop bags that my human got for me. They ar super small and fit inside this little plastic fire hydrant!
Sorry I haven't been around to check on you and all, but you know...humans, blah, blah, blah...
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
You look very trim. Maybe you can make a workout video for me. I don't really understand that LAT thing but I like to train my humans to give me lots of treats.
I don't think Mum would ever get me to hold one of those dumbbells!
I had a dumb bell once. I lifted it, and my owner asked me to "leave it"; I dropped it and the dumb bell went "crack"!!!
I dropped the dumb bell on the tile floor... (-__-)
Anyway, if I had a dumb bell now, my brother Rusty will try to steal it from me.
Snoopy & Rusty
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