Sunday, September 28, 2008

Field Dog Wannabe

To compensate for me not getting to go Cherating with my friends just because she got poster presentation on Friday, she brought me to the local Central Park. Totally a different league if you mind to compare. Artificial field with artificial lake, nuff said. I would have prefer the Gasing Hill which is more physical demanding. Anyway according to her, Gasing Hill is a place for me to become a hooligan, this field is a place for me to be a well trained field dog. Understand the term? Nope.

First, observe and analyze the surrounding. My head keeps swiveling from left to right, like someone watching a tennis game, while taking note of the fun and danger at every corner.

I've known all along that Border Collie has been on her top of her wishlist. But I can assured her that's nothing about them which I can't do. I'm fast, agile and a high jumper too, in fact I might jump even higher. I just lack some passion in me. And all of a sudden I realized, I can HERD too. Is easy. Keep your head low, tip toed, and ambush! Yes, that's exactly what the herding breed does. Is so easy and being totally overrated.

Huh?! What?! Okay. She said I'm not herding, I'm ATTACKing. Anyway, the concept is pretty much the same. Forget the herding, field is meant for ZOOMIESsss... Whenever I run, I put all baggage, all worries and lost myself in the most euphoric sensation that I ever feel, as if I had returned to my mother's womb, a place where I feel so free, so safe and so pure.

As I patrolling the lake, I couldn't help but begin picturing myself strolling by the Cherating beach. I'm sure the feeling is the same, walking on four legs, searching out for potential interesting stuff along, while she laying on the sand, instead of grass, reading her paperback.

As I sample the water... Hmm, yummy. Is better than drinking salt water, right?

Reaching noon, I'm done sneaking around and wanted to settle down. She turned to me "Do you wanna do something?" Oh, no. I know exactly what she meant. Nope. I don't want to practice those eyes staring and heeling stuff on this wonderful day. She always insist that if we keep practising everyday for few years, one day I will be pawfect. But by the time I'm good enough, the world will probably have blown up, or something. Who knows whether 5 years later I'm still around. Why not enjoy yourself while you can. I totally advocate for the latter.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Who needs a border khollie when one khan have a Pakhkho!!


Peanut said...

We love that last picture of you. And really who wants to herd when you can do zoomies.

Chris and Ricky said...

Love all the photos Pacco! I'm a herding dog, but I prefer zoomies too!

BenTheRotti said...

Hey Pacco,

Herding is overrated.. zoomies rule!

Ben xxxx

Biggie-Z said...

Still looks like fun, Pacco. But I agree with you. Seize the day, have your fun whenever you can. Who has all that time for all that "work" and "obedience" and "training"...

... oh hi Momma. Nothing, just saying hi to Pacco.

I better go now!


Agatha and Archie said...

OK we are back and all caught up!! (We had a lot of reading to do!!) We say,,, go for the ZOOMIES!!!!! go crazy!!! BE YOURSELF!! and if you want to be a herder..what the heck??!! Agatha tries to herd PL2's feet now and then.....a dog's got to do what a dog's got to do.. Love and kisees A+A

Asta said...

I'm all fow enjoying evewymoment and not wowking evewy's too showt..seize the moment and play play play!
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

hi Pacco, we think you have a totally good attitude. you are a perfect dog - herding, jumping, running, and you're smart too! you have a great joy for life and we think that's the most important thing!


Mack said...

Zoomies rule!

I can't herd, but boy am I good at zoomies!

Duke said...

We love that last picture of you, Pacco and we agree with the others - zoomies rule!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

hey Pacco - be yourself you are pawfect as you are ! Zoomie and run free with lots of jumping in between and stalking the birdies - um I mean herding those birdies!

Wags, Eric x

wally said...

Oh! THat looks like fun!

And this is a belated congrats on taking it all at the Pawlympics! I loved all your pictures and I can't imagine a more deserving winner.

wally t.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Pacco!

You sound like you had a wonderful time playing by the lake! I wish I could go to places like that, but Mom says if she lets me go unleashed, I would probably disappear and not come back...haha!

Congrats on becoming the DWB Pawlimpic Champion! You and your Mom must be super proud...=)


Toffee said...

be true to yourself.

Kirby said...


I'm so glad you had so much fun playing around at the park. that's the best kind of fun, no work, just be silly and crazy.

Your pal,

Moco said...

If the world is going to blow up why do you need to work so hard. Do some zoomies and lay on your head.

Rambo said...

we love the pictures of you and glad you had a great time.
Rambo & MM

Deefor said...

Herding birdies is very challenging. I tried it too. That looks like a really pretty place to relax and act crazy.


Lorenza said...

Zoomies are the best!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello.

Simba x

Islay said...

That's the way to enjoy life as a dog - free and easy! Have a great week Pacco

licks & slobbers

Murphey said...

Work, play, work, play, yeah, I vote for the play!


L said...

We would rather play than work. Did you catch any of those birds?

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee, hope yer Mom isn't thinkin' of tradin' ya in on a newer model...ya seem like yer well adjusted 'n well rounded too....who needs ta change when ya have perfection?

Dewey Dewster here....

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee, hope yer Mom isn't thinkin' of tradin' ya in on a newer model...ya seem like yer well adjusted 'n well rounded too....who needs ta change when ya have perfection?

Dewey Dewster here....

Amber said...

What a great time you have~ we will sure enjoy life more :)


Princess Patches said...

Zoomies rule, Pacco! We're glad you got to enjoy your day!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I like your expressive look on the first header picture.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the exercise tip. My mom will have to lift the dumbell 30 times a day but I'm not sure how she could hold it in her mouth like you have demonstrate!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. Central Park looks nice. Lots of birds to chase?? Oooo, Rusty and I sure would like that.

Snoopy & Rusty

Toffee said...

Hi pacco!
How have you been?

Boo Casanova said...

pacco, at least you get to visit central park. :( my parents been saying they going to take me there. i see no result. :(

wet wet licks


Xsara and Tani said...

oh come on, obedience is fun - lots of treats! and i agree with the others: border collies have nothing on you :)

Hero & Casper said...

Your last pic looks like you are marking with ya ear wax :-p Anyway, we do vote for obedience... lots and lots of treats... yummy !!! :-D

Hey, post the award logo la ^_^ eheehee...