Friday, March 20, 2009

MKA 62th Obedience Trial

After been slacking for few months, we make an attempt to take part in the local trial hosted by Malaysia Kennel Association.
~ The pawfect pair is ready for the challenge ~

~ Not to forget my new begging trick that took me 4 years to master ~

~ Team 'Black & White' ~

~ My agility getting sucker and sucker ~

~ Surprisingly, my obedience is getting better. Here is me attempting my first MKA Pre-Novice trial ~

~ Are you sure Pacco de Mongrel got 4th place? ~

~ Okay, I'm really getting old. Sit, down and stay are meant for oldies ~


Stella said...

Hey Pacco, Congrats on the award, so its not #1, who cares, its an award.

But the thing is, I MISS you when you don't write and let us know how things are with you. You are such a great dog and so much fun, its dull when you are not around.

So what do you say, show up a little oftener, OK?


Asta said...

You shouldn't woof at fowuf place..I think it's tewwific..and to me you awe always numbew one
smoochie kisses

pet care tv said...

great job on fourth place, nice trophy
Thought you might be interested the Daily Pet News at MyPetCareTV. Also, it'd be great if we could get your pet up on the site. Email me if you're interested: mbaumer[at]

pet care tv said...
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Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Ohhhhhh Dear Pacco!!!
Great award!!!!!!!you deserve it!!!
you look gorgeous in all these photos and we love watching you make the jumper and sit down dog trick!!!
we couldn't do anything of it!!!
you're THE BEST dear friend!!!
and the last photo is soooooooooooo cute!!!
we love you and your blog!!!!
have a great weekend!!!
kisses and licks!!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


That is soooo much more than I'll EVER be able to do!


Duke said...

Congratulations, Pacco! You are the winning-est doggie we know!
We love that first picture of you and MS Owner!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chris and Ricky said...

Congratulations Pacco! Glad you got out there to do some obedience and agility too! We have missed you!

Hope Ms.Owner's new job is going well!

Moco said...

We are so happy to see you again. You are looking as fit and slick as ever. You probably should have gotten 1st, but judges sometimes have no concept of greatness.

Moco said...

We are so happy to see you again. You are looking as fit and slick as ever. You probably should have gotten 1st, but judges sometimes have no concept of greatness.


Congrats on the award. We have been missing you. You are still a young pup, so keep on going.

Essex & Deacon.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco!
You are not old!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Pacco, you are getting good at OB! Too bad I couldn't watch how you did that day but my the other two stooges told me how you did & they were impressed! Looks like Fast & Furious & jumping dogs like you can do OB just as well too. Congrats!

Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girasol said...

Congrats on the award, Pacco!! you still got it...


Go team black & white. Congrats on getting a trophy.

Essex & Deacon

Lacy said...

w00f's Pacco, me iz very proud of u, way to go on ur trophy...sumtimes a pups just gotta rest...heehee me cood never do anything like that, me not has enuff focus..

b safe,

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats Pacco! You are the best!
Beautiful photos! I missed you a lot!


L said...

We think you still look pretty young and energetic in your jump!

Fred said...

Looks like you did a great job to me!

Snoopygirl said...

Hi Pacco,

Congrats on your award!! :-)

Rusty is confused over "sit" and "speak"... Silly boy. Anyway, I don't think I can go for obedience unless there's food involved.


Clover said...

Hi Pacco!
Great pictures! Congrats on your trophy too!!
My blog is gone now, but I will be back soon and I will let you know where to find me.
Love Clover xo

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Oh Pacco, you are still as fit as always. At least you still got 4th place, its way better than me the short legs here.

slurpy licks

Tee said...

Hello Pacco,

Congratulations! We think you can fly ... basset hounds like me are a little too tubular to attempt all those agility challenges

Licks and Wags

Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Pacco!
Congrats! Love your pics!
I have a new blog now. Please come meet my new brother!
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

We're thinking of you and we miss you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We miss you, Pacco! We hope everything is okay and that your Ms. Owner is just busy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

That is a beautiful trophy Pacco! Congratulations!
Ozzie & Rocky

powder-puff said...

Hey pacco!

Great trophy! We hope you are having a great summer, and we hope to hear some updates from you soon!

lotsa love

Life With Dogs said...

And congrats from us as well - you did a great job!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Congratulations on the beautiful award Pacco!! We hope you had a pawsome time with everything at the trials. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals