Monday, March 02, 2009

Musical Sense

In case you might be wondering what's keeping my owner so busy these days. She's being too pre-occupied with her beginner piano lesson that she signed up last month and last week she bought herself a RM340 violin, hoping to start the lesson soon. All her time was used to practise and the house is getting noisier with Ms Sister learning the guitar. I wonder why they suddenly get hooked up with music. Partially, they think now is the time to end jealousy and feeling envy of their friends who knows how to play since they were in primary school.
As they said, is never to late too learn musical instrument, although she's already 24 and her tutor seems much younger than her. Old dog can learn new tricks too!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow! That's a really nice violin! My Mommy just saw one on sale at Amcorp Mall for only RM100++ & another one RM200++. They were auctioned to that shop so they're sold cheap but they're in good condition. My Mommy has played the violin a few times before but really badly!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

BenTheRotti said...

My skinsister plays the guitar and the drums.. thankfully no-one else in the family has felt the need to express themselves through music, thats enough of an assault on my ears as it is!!


Ben xxx

Stella said...

Welcome back, Pacco! I missed you during your time of silence (but it wasn't silent for you, right?)

Tell the girls its just as important to keep your fans busy reading about your activities, as to learn to play music. They can hum!


Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Pacco,
Maybe you can howl along with the music.


Chris and Ricky said...

Hi Pacco! If we lived closer, your mom could take lessons from my mom since she plays violin!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom has a guitar and the hopes she'll magikhally learn to play it!


Duke said...

Good for MSOwner, Pacco! We think it's fabulous that she's learning to play the violin! We bet she's going to ace it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, violin and piano lessons! Cool! My Mom learnt a bit of music as well when she was younger, but she stopped now that she's gotten busy...good luck with her lessons! I'm sure she'll do great! *grins*


Lorenza said...

Never is too late to learn something new Pacco!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Rambo said... old dog can learn new tricks for sure!


So what instrument are you going to learn to play Pacco? Maybe the bell, we sure like the sound of Pacco Bell. It just has a tasty ring to it.

Essex & Deacon

Moco said...

It is good to learn new skills as long as Ms. Owner does not forget about you.

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Will you be a singing/dancing dog then??

slurpy licks,

Agatha and Archie said...

We will be waiting for a concert! Love A+A

Princess Patches said...

That's great that you have such a musical family, Pacco! And by the way, happy barkday to you! Our pawrents both used to play the Saxophone, but now, neither of them can make a sound come out of one. Silly hoomans!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Fred said...

My Old Girl likes music, too! I cover my ears when she plays the piano, though.
By the way, I'm Fred, and I just stopped by your blog to say hello!

L said...

We think you should join in the music and sing along every time ms. owner plays the piano and violon.

Anonymous said...


Does the music hurt your ears? The humans don't play music anymore as we move our head back and forth until we both go pening.

Looks like fun!


Natasha Fernz said...

Hey pacco...

oh poor you... hope Ms Sister will at least spend some time with you....

Anyway my mommy will be running for The Mayhew this year in the British 10k London Run - so will need all the support she can get.

Please "sponsor my mommy" to raise funds for The Mayhew.Details are on my blog... :)


Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Our mom says you should play the piano with your parent by pounding your paws on the keys.