Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Injury Woos

Last Saturday, when I returned home from my weekly jungle trekking. I notice I got yet another big scratch, probably due to my intense run around the woods. Ouch!


Toby said...

Oh Pacco, that looks painful! But I hope it looks worse than it actually feels. Make sure not to lick it k? Yah, I know, easier said than done. But just try. You don't want it to get infected. Cuz that means you'll have to go the that evil person called the Vet!!

Get better fast, k?


Urban Smoothie Read said...

oooppps....actually yesterday nite, i already lick until my feet was partially bald

Joe Stains said...

ouch that looks like it really hurt, I hope it is better soon!

Boo Casanova said...

pacco, that scratch looks pretty nasty. is your owner getting anything done with the wound??

wet wet licks


p/s: mom's favourite is definitely absolutely undoubtedly federer. BOOHOOO nadal!

Urban Smoothie Read said...


my owner oso favour federe....but is still feeling okay is nadal wins it once a while...

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Owie pacco, that looks sore! Hope it heals fast!

Oscar x

*Sasha* said...

hello pacco,
that looks painful. Get well soon ya!
Wanna ask u something...is it true tht it's not good for us to hike a lot? hrd that it will hurt our hind legs. Is it true ah?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco.
That wound looks painful! I hope it heals soon!
Take care please!

Duke said...

Ouch! That looks sore Pacco! Make sure you take good care of it, okay?

Love ya lots,

Kien said...

Ouch!!...ouch!!..seeing the picture already makes me sore..hope the wound get better soon..

My mummy actually wanted to leave me at home on last saturday and join u guys for jt..but after i make faces she gave up going already..

Golden Rossi

Anonymous said...

Ouch...does it hurt? I bet it's not for you. You're to energetic to even realize the wound right Pacco?

Ruby Bleu said...

OUCH!!! Better be careful!!! You don't want to hurt yourself!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Pacco, this happens to Faith ALL the time! Coz she's short haired like you so it's easy for her skin to be cut. Oh & guess what!? Her skin problem came back... Her back looks so awful again. I think it's the raw eggs my mommy has been feeding her. But mommy has stopped giving her a week a go. The redness & lumpiness on her back has gone down a bit lah, hopefully it'll get better soon...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Juno said...

Pacco!!!! Are you alright????

That looks painful.

Momo xoxo

L said...

That scrape looks like it really hurts. I hope your foot gets better soon, but until it does, pretend like it hurts really really bad. Then your people will give you more treats.

Jane Su said...

aiks.. pacco.. does it hurt lots ? nex time be extra careful not to injure urself again ya...

hundreds lovely licks !