Tuesday, July 03, 2007

D' weekend

Journey to the training ground only took approximately 5 minutes. But as you can see I had already start panting heavily even before I did anything.

The course looks tedious again. As you know I loves running and jumping. But definately hate to be restricted. Why can't I do some freestyle stuff, like just doing whichever I like to.

I think is a good news that my sexy leg had yet to recover. So I can pretend that it hurts so much, so that I can convinced my owner to allow me to skip the training afterall.

And in the mean time, just to let you know, I loves eating grass. Am I a cow? Or a goat? But I prefer horse. Hehe...

By the way, it was a great weekend for me as Raikkonen lead a Ferrari 1-2 of the season at Magny-Cours, French GP.


Ben & Darling said...

Oh Pacco, I hope your leg getting better now...it looks really hurt.

Bu the way, Amanda is a great fan of Ferrari hah?? Dad saw her thread on the car forum...hmm....lowyat forum I guess....

Amber-Mae said...

Your foot looks fine to me afterall, it's just a cut. You look like you've put on a wee bit of weight. Did you? I yes, then you better do agility & exercise! Looks very hawt there, you can take it especially when you're all black? Hehehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber said...

Hi Pacco, hope your leg doesn't hurt too much. I like eating grass too, then I'll get choke by it. So, mommy doesn't want me to eat grass.
Take Care!!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Owie, your leg still looks pretty sore.

Oscar x

Duke said...

I love your collar Pacco!
Take good care of that leg, okay?

Love ya lots,

Kien said...

u r raikkonen ferrari fan??!!!.. mee too.. sure they put up a good race there huh...

Golden Rossi

umekotyan said...

Is the foot safe though the jump of training is wonderful?

from loved ume tyan

Boo Casanova said...

yep, i think u r part cow. wait, no, u don't look like one. sorry.

still not heal yet on your sexy leg? poor pacco.

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

I hope your leg gets better day by day! Looks like still needs healing right?
My mom loves Kimi Raikkonen!!! When he won this sunday she was very happy!
Take care

Bella said...

Hi Pacco - great action shot of you going over the bridge - are you sure you didn't like training? It looks like fun to me.

*Sasha* said...

hello pacco,
how;s ur leg now? hopefully it gets better by now.
so ur hooman decides to enrol you to an agility class for you to hv fun? dats great!

Toby said...

Hi Pacco,

Hope your leg heals soon. Does it hurt a lot??

You always look amazing in your action shots!!!


fee said...

eh pacco, you're my kind of dog! i love to eat grass too! sedap!

Lizzy said...

I love eating grass too. It's one of the best foods around!

I hope your leg heals really soon!


Joe Stains said...

I hope that leg heals ok! I love to eat grass too, then barf it back up again!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I hope your leg is better now Pacco.
Is grass really yummy? I gotta try some

~ girl girl

ToFFee said...

Hi Pacco!

maybe you're a vegetarian that's why you like gwass!

did you had a good training?

Hope your leg is okay now


Anonymous said...

Hey do you pant a lot during training? You see, when my owner brings me to doggie day out at 1U I usually start panting in the car and when I arrive at the park, I attracted alot of unwanted attention because my panting becomes even louder. Aiyooooooo how ar?

Finnegan said...

Nice moves, Pacco! I hope your leg heals soon!


Juno said...

Hello Pacco! I hope the cut on your sexy leg will be healed shortly.

Momo xoxo

ps. Pacco, I have tagged you! :) Please come by my blog when you get a chance!

Asta said...

I'm sowwy your leg still has the oucy on it, pweez take good cawe. I think you should be like a fwee-style snow boawder, or skateboawder, but without the equipment, just using you sexy long legs..you're so hot!!!!
smoochie kisses

L said...

Does your leg hurt much? It looks like it does. At least your people don't stick a sock on it and pretend it is a bandage. My girl did that to my tail this weekend.

I think grass is yummy too!