Thursday, August 30, 2007

Prince's Barkday Pawty

On 25 August 2007, Prince organized his 2nd barkday pawty at his owner new home. Pacco and Money were the VIDs of the day. Three of us met during the weekly jungle trekking just a couple of times only, thanks to Prince's owner who always tend to wake up late.

~ The Prince who never fails to impress ~

There was a Rotti named Ferro that day, but unfortunately the unfriendly me 'bark' him away. So his owner head home early. I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop myself from being a little naughty.

~ Prince : Is this my pawty of my owner's party? Looks like humans are more than dogs ~

~ Me busy checking out Prince's neighbour ~

There was two scruffy looking dog there. Why don't we invite them over, so that there are more dogs for me to bully.

It seems like the 'smelling butt' was Prince favourite past time. He kept sniffing Money's butt, but the well-bred girl doesn't want to dissapoint or hurt his feeling, so she just keep quiet.

~ Prince trying to impress Money with his handsome yet masculine body ~

But when Prince change his target and came sniffing my rear end instead, I couldn't stop myself to teach him a lesson. Nope. A 'few' lesson. Sorry, no mercy will be given, eventhough you might be the 'birthday' boy.

Me performing my 'snapping' ability on Prince, right in his own house. Sorry for the blur picture, cause the our action was too fast and intense.

It seems like Prince is also into agility too. He had an equipment that I don't, which is the 'pause table'. Both Money and I would love to give a try. But seems like Prince had it all on his own.

~ Hey, can we try that too? ~

Finally, Prince big butt was off the table and we can have a try. Hmm.... quite comfortable and the height was just nice. I don't need to make a big leap.

~ Money : Don't u think we should let Prince to sit together wit us? ~
~ Pacco : Just focus and take picture ~

And then Prince getting jealous that we both were enjoying ourselve, so he squeezed in between us. But he had no idea that he got the biggest butt in the house.

~ Prince : Oh, thanks Money for not forgetting me. Your my best pal. Let me give u a kiss ~
~ Money : Err.... never mind that. Ur welcome ~
~ Pacco : Hey, be serious abit. Is picture time! ~

Cake cutting ceremony finally started. We sang a barkday song for the birthday boy and accompanied by candle blowing session.

We should each get a portion of the cake. But 'Oh NO!' Prince was trying to gulp up the whole cake in one shot! Help! Someone please STOP him!

~ Prince contaminating the whole cake. Grrr..... ~

While Money seems to be on a dieting plan. She claimed that the cake was too high in calories. Hmm.... never mind just let me have your portion too. I'm starving.

I'm caught acting as the 'live garbage bin' scanning the entire floor hoping for bits & pieces of food leftover.

I was requested to demonstrate my 'weird' jumping skill. But, Hey! this is a birthday party, not 'Talent Show'.

~ Still thinking whether to do it a not. Btw, I'm no dummy ~

~ While Prince got totally knock-out after some constant ball chasing ~

Prince with a portion of his haul. Birthday party is the best time to extend your toys collections.

Thanks to Prince for inviting Money and me to his birthday party. Your cake was delicious and I had a great time (the most enjoying part was definately bullying you, I know you don't mind). You are such a GentleDog and hope to see you around at jungle trekking. Ask you pappy don't be late.

* Photos courtesy of Money and Prince, as my dumb owner brought along a 'low batt' camera.


Kien said...

Oh.. u three are so cute together.. and from the look of it, u guys are having so much fun.. hope we will have more party coming in..

Golden Rossi

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco.
Glad you had great time at Prince's party. Just three of you?? Enough to have fun! I love that picture of you checking out the neighborhood!

Asta said...

Hey Pacco
That looks like a lot of fun, Happy Birfday Pwince! did you get a lot of yummy cake Pacco? I suwe hope so
pee ess. my Mommi says I'm delicious
smoochie kisses

Koobuss said...

Prince is very lucky to have sucn nice friends like you and Money to celebrate his birthday with. Looks like a great party with lots of food and great presents for Prince. Happy Birthday, Prince!!

Koobuss Kisses,

P. S. I love your side video of you sitting on the rock.

Prince said...

My Birthday Over liao lor Thank everyone... hahaha next time I will join others ... The portion that make me laugh is

~ Pacco : Hey, be serious abit. Is picture time! ~

Cannot even stop laughing. hehehe

José Tan said...

You guys sure had a lot of fun at the pawty. Cool!

i said...

So much fun! Had a good laugh reading this. Good one!

PreciOus said...

Hi Pacco! Ooo the 3 of you squeezing together on the 'pause table' is so funny! What a great and fun pawty!


Anonymous said...

What a hilarious post. I like your dialogues with your frens.

Ume said...

great pawty!
Pacco, i think u r brave brave to chase away Ferro the Rotti!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great party. How nice of the humans to leave all their shoes for you to chew on.

Simba xx

Goofy said...

seems real fun pawtying there huh...

Hazel Bridges said...


You're one lucky pup getting invited to a party with cake and ball chasing. My human baked a cake this week but I didn't get any because she said it's bad for my teeth!!!!

Anyway I got my own back - they left a carton of cream on a low table so I tucked in - Yum Yum.



Ah Boy said...

So nice. You all sure enjoying yourself to the maximum and have lotsa fun.

Ferndoggle said...

What a lucky guy Prince is to have so many friends! And lucky for Pacco to get to boss other dogs around & eat cake!!

I need to have a pawty soon.


Boo Casanova said...

hahahaha. kepochi pacco peeking at the neighbour's dogs huh. LOL

so, did you get to eat the cake or prince gulp all down?

wet wet licks


The Husky in the Window said...

Wow! You'all had a cool party. All the stuff you did and the presents. Love the picture of you on the table.

Husky Hugs,MayaMarie

Amber said...

Whoa, great pawty you had. Yummy cakes and playing!!

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Pacco!

You sure looks like you had lotsa fun at the Pawty! You are so good to let your buddies sit so close to you for photo taking.

Wet licks

p(ee)s...Have your homans tried out the kookie recipie?

Natasha Fernz said...

Hey Pacco

Looks like you guys had loads of fun.. :O)


Deefor said...

Hi Pacco
Partying and cake and bullying. Looks like a lot of fun. I was happy you said agility doesn't take a lot of the o word (obedience).
I tagged you. Look on my blog


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pacco, what fun you had! How much cake did you get? I hope you got a decent sized slice! J x

Haley the Fabulous Ball-loving Black Lab said...

WOW! Love your site and you are quite funny!

I don't think I've ever had CAKE!!!!!! I am going to have to check into this.


Cashew said...

Hi Pacco,

Wowm, you are sure are a great athlete! I'm still learning. I really like that jumping over the back trick!

Never mind that you're not a pure bred dog. You are absolutely cute!!


the many Bs said...

What an amazing barkday party. You dogs were having so much fun!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh,m maybe I should start my own Dogbook too! Looks interesting & maybe I can make even more friends! Hehehe! You look soo handsome in that picture...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

what a party! what did you see over in that neighbor's yard?!

Johann The Dog said...

Looks like a real fun time!!! Wish I coulda been there! That's quite a haul Prince got there.

Woof, Johann

Sharon said...

Hey Pacco,
I don't believe you got to eat all that cake! You are really a lucky dog!
Snickers and Sharon

T-man Angel said...

Aww, Prince really looked happy cutting his cake. That's great that he got to chomp the whole cake. I often dream of such a thing...

Randi said...

Hi Paco! What a fabulous pawty! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Did you ever do that jump your peoples wanted you to do? That cake looks so yummy!
Love & Licks,

Mojo, Digger and family said...

All those paws on the pause table! Fabulous picture!

I had my nose glued to the screen when I saw that picture with so many shoes and sandals in. My favourite thing to steal! Heaven.

L said...

Wow! Look at all those shoes. How did you resist stealing one (or two...or three...) of them?