Friday, September 21, 2007

Me, the Black Mutt in the Newspaper again!

Pet-n-You had finally updated their website. They are not slow, but is just that I'm too anxious. Haha.... Look at what I've found. Those are some really nice shots of me. I wonder who's that great camaeraman/woman. I have to make a request for the original copy!

~ Step! Step! Step! I want to step until cruel owner become a pancake, and then I'll eat it up! ~

And the great news from Groovy on Monday was that I appeared in the news again! 17 September 2007 News Strait Times. Finally this time is not because I dress up weird, but is pure talent (*cough*). The picture showed me doing the Basic Jumper agility.

Those who had seen me doing agility LIVE, will definately know the what's the real situation. So I bet some of them are actually sniggering behind me already. But I think I still looks pretty in there. Aren't I? (*cough)


Juno said...

OMD Pacco!! We ALL know that you're talented, handsome, smart and the best athletic. Your picture is featured on the paper?? That's so cool. Where can I get a copy? I think we need to frame this news article!!!

Momo xoxo

Amber said...

Whoa Pacco!! You're Famous!! So big picture of you in the newspaper. You indeed look pweety in the newspapaer.

Habe a gweat weekend!!

Joe Stains said...

It is about time you get some exposure for your awesome talents!

Anonymous said...

Pacco! This is great!
it's a cool shot of your talent even though you *cough* were doing your leat favourite event. heh.

But you look hawt nonetheless!

Amber-Mae said...

Oooo, found some nice pictures of me & my sistas in the website too! Wow! You're famous Pacco!!! Hehehehe, okay I did giggle a bit when I read that line you circled but I still think you did way way way better than me. Sometimes I can see you overshoot but at least you completed the whole course nicely... I was in control but I was just taking my own sweet time in my own speed. Hehehe! Nice action shots there of you performing your tricky tricks!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Well deserved fame!

Extra pats

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its like the life style of the rich and famous, in the paper again. Bet your Mummy is very proud.

Simba xx

Katherine and Pippa said...

You look gorgeous.

I think you need to update your summary though. You can't really claim to be unphotogenic any longer.


Duke said...

I'm not surprised that your face appears everywhere! You're one talented girl! Way to go, Pacco!

Love ya lots,

i said...

Way to go Pacco!

Anonymous said...

Amanda must be beaming with pride. Did she give you any special treatment? say extra food?

The Army of Four said...

Wowzers, Pacco! Cool pix of an even COOLER pup! You look fantastic!
Play bows,
PS: Thanx for stopping by our blog!

Deefor said...

Great pictures. You are my agility idol. I like your action shots. You sure can jump.


Boo Casanova said...

pacco, great pics. but what's the weird outfit you talking about?

btw, i just saw your previous post about the food bowl. mom bought like 4 of those too. lil dopey is NOT using it which was intended for him.

wet wet licks


Agatha and Archie said...

Wow you rock!! We will have to get your pawtograph!! Love A+A

Asta said...

Cingwatulations Pacco
I always knew you wewe destined fow gweatness
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco
I feel so proud to have a friend so famous!! Sure your are highly trained pooch!!!
Have a nice day

Natasha Fernz said...

Hey Pacco...

So proud of you la--- you'e shown everyone that pedigree isn't everything!

Hurrah for Pacco!!!

Big hugs from
Cleo & Lucky
2 non-pedigreed dogs!

fee said...

WOW, you're a celebrity, pacco! i'm honoured to be your friend!

have a nice weekend!


ToFFee said...

Oh Pacco! you are soo famous!

I would like to ask for your pawtograph!


*Sasha* said...

Pacco, you are so gorgeous!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I think you are amazing Pacco! And us Mutts are as good as any other dog, you prove it!

love and admiring licks, Marvin xxxxx
pee ess we love your music!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pacco, you're famous! Have a great weekend! Jx

Randi said...

PACCO - can I have your pawtograph? You are famous! Is the olympic tryouts coming up? I bet you could win the GOLD!
Love & Licks,

Bella said...

way cool congratulations Pacco !!!

Ume said...

u r famous, Pacco! n u look pawsitively gorgeous in the pix! stepping your owner into a pancake may not be a good idea tho...

PreciOus said...

Hi Pacco! I think you did great!


Johann The Dog said...

Ha Paco!!! You are soo funny. You are highly trained! Highly trained to do it your way....there's nothing wrong with that. And being a celebrity? Well that's better anyway. Looks like you're jumping 16 inches, yes?

Congrats on the publicity!!!! You sure are a star in my book. Woofs, Johann

Murphey said...

I will NEVER be called a highly trained pooch, in fact I get called badly behaved dog (BHD for short) all the time. Oh well


Koobuss said...

It's great to know such a big star athlete! You are fantastic!

Koobuss Kisses,

Lizzy said...

Pacco, you must be famous! I'm sure you did great. ;)


L said...

Now that you are famous, you better watch out for all the pupp-arazzi! They'll take pictures of you when you least expect it. Ah, the price of fame.

Scruffy said...

Awesome! I know a famous dog. Congratulations on all that fame.

The Mighty Scruff

Nugget said...

Great Job Pacco! I think you are pretty and talented.


Isabella said...

Hey Pacco! Congratultions on getting into the newspaper- way to go!
Big Wags,

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh my dogness. I know a celebrity agility dog!!!! Wow! You are so cool. Thanks for sharing.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Stanley said...

Pacco Girl!

As a celebrity, will you still remember your old pals who knew you back when you were just a pretty black pup who liked to jump?

BTW, you have very pretty golden eyes! My girl says it's like you can look right through a hooman with them.

Goober love & congratulations,

Frasier said...

Wow Pacco,
You are so famous.And those are great pictures

Balboa said...

WOW, you are so talented and famous. Can I have your autograph??????????

Frenchie Snorts

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Congratulations on being a famous 'highly trained pooch'! Although the word pooch is not good enough. You are 'highly trained master of the universe'.
And you look so handsome in your portrait too.