Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Planning Ahead

Seems like Ms Owner's mind is still too preoccupied. No training for me, which is a good news. I would like to take the opportunity to relax myself and do some reading myself too.

Then I came across an article on natural diets. Ms Owner is always pro-BARF person. I think I should start selecting a recipe so that she can prepare for me when her exam was over. Meat, eggs, cheese are some of my favourites just to name a few.

This is the Fido Friendly, a dog travels magazine. I should even start selecting a vacation place for Ms Owner and me. After a hectic routine, is time to enjoy life and go for a trip. Sandy beaches like Miami, cooling winter like Switzerland would be the best destination. Since my 2 years ago visit to A Famosa, I never been to any overnight trip since then. What a pity right?

~ Pacco : Don't you think so? ~
~ Ms Owner : You keep dreaming ~
~ Pacco : Grrrr......... ~


Biggie-Z said...

Hi Pacco! This is Biggie. I'm a BARF boy and I think it's wonderful. I like raw fish the best, but pretty much everything is good. Chicken is always tasty especially with the bones and organs. mmmmm! No grains though. Grains make me itchy.


oh, l do hav BARF diet too once in a while mummy will give us chicken neck.....yummy.
Overnite trip? If u dream hard enough Pacco u'll get it, hahaha

Clover said...

Hey Pacco!
Good for you, doing some reading... I hope you get to go on vacation soon!
Love Clover xo

Murphey said...

What is a life without a dream, you keep checking out those trips, cause ya never know!


Juno said...

Pacco!! Do some research!! Pick your favorite receipes for Miss Owner and select some potential vacation places!! You deserve a good holiday!

Momo xoxo

Asta said...

I hope you get all those yummie foods and even get to go on the twip. Why not?? I think you mowe than desewve it!
I love those pictoowes of you
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

You're due for a nice vacation, Pacco! Two years is a long time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco
I hope your wishes come true! Sure you deserve everything you want!
Have a nice day

Ashley said...

Wow Pacco. You are very busy reading up on vacations... so studious!
I linked you to my blog. Hope that is okay :)
Visit my blog and tell me where your favorite beach is located!


Sounds like you are making plans. Keep reading and find the perfect place to go.

Lizzy said...

I hope you can go on a vacation soon! And when you do, bring me along with you! Hehe.


Thor and Jack said...

Continue selecting the places, Pacco! I hope you have great vacation! You deserve it!


Anonymous said...

Ooooo... A howliday???

My owners are still wondering where they can take me for an overnight howliday.


i said...

Pacco goes "I'm dreaming of a white christmas..."

Joe Stains said...

It sure is nice of you to do some reading and educate your human!

Boo Casanova said...

pacco, you don't want to change diet. you get all the free kibbles rite? if you change to BARF, then all the kibbles will go wasted.

wet wet licks


Scruffy said...

You've been on an overnight holiday!! I'm so envious. I have never been on an overnighter before. You are so lucky. But I guess 2 years is a long time. You definitely deserve to go on another one very soon.

The Mighty Scruff

Deefor said...

Good thing you are reading up on this stuff. The food sounds good but my owners are pretty lazy in the kitchen... A long vacation (away from Arrow) might be fun.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Pacco, those are interesting things you're reading

~ Girl girl

Mojo, Digger and family said...

That magazine looks really interesting. I bet it is full of great ideas for a holiday. Just keep leaving it open in front of her and she'll get the message. You are owed a holiday after being so patient through all those exams!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Did you chew the book to bits when you had finished reading it?

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

You poor girl...I hope your owner will bring you on a vacation again soon. Hmm, never heard of that magazine before.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

Hey Pacco

You are so smart to be able to read and mama says you are gentle on books. We would shred books into pieces if she leaves it lying around.

Boy n Baby

Ashley said...

Hi Pacco... thanks for signing my guestbook! You should tell your humans to come to sunny California for vacation :)
We want to come to Malaysia, but flights look quiet expensive.

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Pacco, I'd love to be a BARF boy, except I'm a girl. I get a partially raw diet, which makes me pretty happy. But an all raw diet would make me even happier.


Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Pacco,
We're BARF dogs too. We love our raw chicken legs the best. We get BARF patties from our favourite place the Pet Barn.
Hope you get to go on a trip soon. It's fun going away with the pinkies, infact we're off on a holiday tomorrow...yep it's true.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Randi said...

Hi Pacco! You are so clever to read all those wonderful magazines...

Love & Licks,

Amber said...

Yumyum, I should read some doggie recipes too. You go pick a place and force your owner to bring you, muahaha.

Amber :)

Ferndoggle said...

Meat, Eggs & Cheese...yep! The 3 basic food groups.


Maya and Kena said...

Thanks fur wishing me luck on my surgery! Thanks to all the doggies who crossed their paws fur me, the surgery went great! The vet called home today and told my humans. I can't wait till tomorrow to go back home!
Wags and licks,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I hope you manage to go away on a trip Pacco!

I like your last picture very much!!

You look very happy!

Katherine and Pippa said...

Happy holidays. I love travelling.


Agatha and Archie said...

Hey Pacco.come see us!!!!! We love food too any kind!!! Love A+A

the many Bs said...

Hi Pacco, we keep telling our mom to take us on a vacation too. we like it when we go someplace far away, like the Dog Park, where we can run and romp and play.

Stanley said...

Pacco Girl!!

You are way ahead of the game, chica! I had never really thought about wanting my diet to change until it did. My girl's been feeding me on the BARF diet (raw food) for the past 3 months. I LOVE IT!!

Hope you get your much-needed vacation!

And, I LOVE the new photo on your header!

Goober love,

L said...

That looks like some very interesting reading. It looks like that first book is a biology text book. The magazines look like more fun. Glad you got a vacation from training.

Johann The Dog said...

Grrrrr....is right! You need to have a vacation! Woofs, Johann

Kirby said...

Hi Pacco,

You deserve a vacation. I say you demand one or you go on strike! That should get you what you want.

Your pal,

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

That looks like a really cool magazine Paco. Hopefully she will decide to take you somewhere for some rest and relaxation. Sounds like that would be fun!
Ozzie & Rocky

Hazel Bridges said...

Hey Pacco,

Whatever you're eating you look real good on it!!!


Charlie Boy