PetFinder.my is up and running. There's the place you should go if you intend to adopt a dog, help in rescue or fostering a pup. There will be lists of dogs and puppies available for adoption being featured.
Meanwhile, me, Pacco de Proud Adopted Mutt had bag home 15kg of dog food and 2 winner trophies from my recent trials and awaiting Scruffy's lady boss to forward me our photos.
Surprisingly, we had been informed by Sue that Scruffy and me were being featured in the local paper. Although Ms Owner can't understand what the paper says and my pretty face isn't there, but at least my proud name does.
You're famous. Nice to see your name in the paper. Maybe Ms Owner can get someone to translate it.
Heard about that webby too. So fast already up & running ha? They should have put your picture in there too. I think I see Scruffy there...So what did you win at Penang????
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Yeah your name is there. How come they didn't show your face in the article
~ Girl girl
Your name in print. That is so cool.
Simba xx
You're the most famous doggie we know, Pacco! Good job on getting your name in the newspaper!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your are on the newspaper!! wow!
Enjoy your prizes...good job!
We don't know what is says either, but we can see your name for sure. You are truly famous. Ms. Owner should be very proud of all the hard work you do together. It is nice to see one of our mixed breeds doing so well. Keep it up.
Wow Paco, you have been really busy. You made it in the papers and everything. You are a STAR!!!!
I am so proud to be your friend. That is so awesome all those tricks you can do, maybe sometime you can teach me some? Mum loved the pictures of you and your friends.
Wow you are famous!!!! We want to know more about your trial ...
You're a great adopted dog and an excellent role model.
woofies and burfs Pacco..ur name in da paper, how cool iz dat...congrats on u wins at the trails...
b safe,
Congwatulations to you!!!
I think you awe mawvelous..and youw fame is spweading! YEAH!!!!!
smoochie kisses
Petfinder is an awesome site. Dad doesn't let mom look at it to much since he is afraid she will find another dog she just can't live without...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
We are so proud of you and happy for you.
We have petfinder here in the US and it is great. Congrats on getting your name in the paper!
Pacco, you're famous! That's awesome! I'm proud to know you, hee hee.
Hi, Pacco!
Congratulations on your prizes and trophies!
sure is nice to see your name on that newspaper!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, I just have a look at the petfinder site and it looks great! Hope it will help more doggies and cat to find their forever homes. :)
Pacco you are getting more and more famous, can we have your pawtograph?
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