Looking really professional here with my training pals. We looks like representative for some sort of serious training regime. Come join us if you wanna be, a 'jumper' like Pacco, 'obedience-advocate' like Bank and Sissy, a 'smooth weaver' like Angel or a 'speed demon' like Groovy.
Not to forget, Cami the 'Frisbee Lover' right behind there, while I'm on my way to win this 'Fastest Recall' game, with my head looking awkwardly weird.
Ms Owner had purchased the super glue for my ass. We are now doing the preliminary testing to examine its effectiveness. I'm doing a 'down stay' with little Camilia Nugget lurking around tempting me to chase her down.
Is time to stop being envy at others who can 'stay' so perfectly. Me, Pacco de Mongrel, can 'stay' too. All I need is to exert some 'laziness' in me or maybe some alternative remedy, such as .....
You have way too much energy. Take a nap and then you would stay down for awhile.
Hey pal,
I think you are doing great. Get Mrs Owner to give you another porkie bone when your in your down stay, then she'll be amazed at how long you're there for, he he!
Wiry Wags. Eric
Just keep working on it you will get it. I am getting very good at it and I have only been working on it for a little over a week and everyone knows how hyper a blue heeler is...
Louie is doing really well also with the hand signals we have been working on... He has the best "come" in the class..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
You can do it Pacco! Sit! Stay!
Pacco, 3 min down-stay is booooring. I usually will just doze off in the middle of it...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Pacco!
Knowing you I think the sleeping pills is the only way to keep down your energy!
Kisses and hugs
How about jumping for three minutes? I bet lots of doggies can't do that.
Hope you have fun staying down for 3 mins, the super glue should work.
Ouch super glue sounds painful. You don't need it Pacco, we know you can do 'down stay' if you really want to.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
3 minutes, thats almost a whole day in dog years.
Simba xx
Pacco de M!
Those are great pics of you!
Agility is so cool. My brother took an into to intro agility once - he told me that he had fun (he's a Jack russell terrible).
Have a great day,
your pal Toffee.
You can do it, Pacco! We know you can! You're one of the smartest doggies we know!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My canine room mate Fargo liked to make my Human look stupid in obedience training!
I would love to roll around in that grass.Love, Neko
Wow, that is outstanding. Though we bet you rather jump.
Essex & Deacon
I can't do that! 3 minutes no way, but that;s me.
I think that you can do it!
I don't quite understand the meaning if "stay." It's my job to move around and attack anything that moves...I thought that's what the humans wanted!
My human just started telling me to stay after I sit. I just don't get it. She puts her hand up and says "stay," so I go and see what her hand smells like! Maybe there's a treat behind it!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
I could never do it. never ever ever
3 minutes!!! THREE WHOLE MINUTES!!!!!If ANYONE can do that they win a medal!!!! that is a life time! Love A+A
good job on the 3 long minutes down stay. we know how hard that is. Benson had to do it in his obedience and it almost killed him. you can do it Pacco, you're a star!
Momma's been making us practice that 3 minute down-stay thing too. Buddy and I can do it, but Nikki needs to borrow some of that superglue that you have.
Woofs Casper
I think you are definitely much better than me. I can only sit and stay for 5 seconds, that's all.
Pacco, I can send my girl to give you the "move and die" look that she gives me. It's even more effective than sleeping pills. I must admit though - I like sit-stay much better than down-stay.
ps. Thanks for your positive words for my girl.
You are way better than us.. We cant even still still for 1 sec unless we are sleeping..hehe
Boy n Baby
You are doing great, Pacco! And you are way cuter than those other doggies!
Poppy & Penny
I am still amazed at how well you are doing. Me, I run when I'm off-leash and don't stop until my tongue hangs out. I do enjoy it, though Mom gets pretty red in the face chasing me.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Super glue! Mum hasn't tried that on Gracie, hmmmmmm...You all look so professional in the pic! Nice Job!
Woofs, Johann
woofies and burfs Pacco...lol dey tell me to stay down and i wood b gone like a flash...me finks mama got her work cut out, gettin me to do watt she wants...
b safe,
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