This is Ms Owner and I awaiting Money's arrival. We found out about the timer function in our camera. So, here is our neat group picture after almost dozen of attempts. Yeah, is easy for her to look into the camera, but I don't really get the idea of hallucinating an invisible cameraman.
Once we reach and set up my crate, with cloths covering all four direction to prevent me from barking, I'm suffocating.

The obedience trial was taking place and this was the first time we witness how the Intermediate and Open class competition. Looks interesting but tedious and it take a long time. They doesn't had a standard course time of 2metre per second.

The most difficult task in the whole game of obedience is to 'stay' and doing it out of sight of your handler, which is absolutely 'IMPOSSIBLE'!!!!

Enough of watching obedience work for me, is time to greet my friends.

Apart from the serious obedience trial, there was also some casual games to cater all pet dog lovers, which include Fancy Dressing, Biggest and Smallest dog, Best Trick, Longest Tail and Most Adorable Puppy.

There was a large crowd, and all the other dogs before me have some nice run. People were clapping and cheering, yet it didn't mentally affect me. Maybe I'm already partially deaf after so much of exposure to loud noises.

I'm the dog who did the most of run of the day again. This has always been our approach to agility trial. Invest as much as you can in different classes, and by the end of the day, you will have a higher probability of getting something in return. Fortunately, I'm a mutt with good stamina, or else, someone might need to call up 911 for me. Due to my hectic schedule, I might reconsider letting Ms Owner to adopt another mutt, just to keep her occupied and give me some decent rest that I deserve. BUT, make sure she is no even close to be prettier than me do.
Groovy end the show will style with his groovy dance moves. I love his 'hop on feet' moves and attempts to try it on Ms Owner skinny legs, hoping it will break and we can all rest in peace.
Looks like you all had a good time! I don't think I'd ever be able to do the sit and stay contest. It really is impossible!
Pacco, I think you look great. Your proportions are perfect for jumping!
- Charlie
Have to say I like you just the way your are - no pink, no nails done - au natural! Looks like you had bunches of fun - have a great weekend! Woofs, Johann
Hey Pacco! I am stepping forward in time to comment on your blog - you posted on Saturday and it is still only Friday at my house!! Cool!
Great pictures at this event - looks like fun!
Love Clover xo
I'm sure you had a fun time that day! I thought two of the Border Collies were good. Groovy's dance was great as always! Hey, are all the trophies the same size? Just curious...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are so good. I would be barking my head off. I am glad that you were not colored pink and purple.
Hi, Pacco!
There is no way I can picture you being pink!
Good job! And Groovy is great too!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Oh that poor purple and pink poodle hee hee. Love the padicure.
Looks like you had the best day. No wonder you were exhausted at the end.
Groovy is an excellent dancer.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Mummy loves the pink dog. Help Me!!!
Simba xx
What a great day you had! Look at all those doggies! (The pink one kinda scares me - I think she is an alien or something)
hey Pacco, you look like you are just flying over that jump and it looks so easy for you. that purple/pink poodle thing is weird - we hope our mom won't do that to Baxter. that's scary.
That pinkish purple poodle is sure strange looking!
What awesome dance moves Groovy has!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ooh, that poor pink & purple poodle!! I hope they let him grow that hair out soon!!
Looks like you had a great time. Good job, Pacco! The purplish pink poodle really looks strange!
A girl with skill & great stamina thats you.
Well done.
I woke to snow, this morning!
Will be posting photo's later.
Pats & pets
Hi Pacco--
Fenway here!
I read all about your Agility day and loved the pictures—except for that hideous purple and pink poodle. I seriously doubt Ms.Owner will do that to you.
And, not all Border Collies look alike! I happen to stand out from the crowd of black & whites by my sheer beauty, perfectly straight topline and lovely dots that run down the center of my nost. My owner says they look like a perforated line!
Congrats to you Pacco, im sure you enjoyed urself!
Great pictures. We love the video..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Nice pic, and looks like everydody had a good time!!!!!!
It sure looks like you had a pawtastic day. Keep on jumping.
Essex & Deacon
Hi Pacco, you sure had a lot of fun there! Great pictures!
The pink and purple poodle looks funny. You sure did very well Pacco. :) Great pics
~ Girl girl
Looks like you had a great day out. That pink and purple Poodle...oh my!
Toodle pip
Harry x
The purplish pink poodle looks so fashionable n trendy..haha
Boy n Baby
Wow we really enjoy visiting your site - you live such an exciting life. - Your famous too!
Pacco, you are soooooo talented! It looks like everydog had a great time!
Poppy & Penny
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Way to go Pacco! You always do so well no matter what you are competing in! Does Ms. Owner ever have to buy food for you, or do you simply exist on the bags that you win? He he!
Your pal,
Pacco! we jus love your bloggie cos you make us feel like we're right there at the events too! and we get to see Amber-Mae, Faith and Chloe too! What fun and golly you got such talent ~ the board balance wow not way could we do that.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud!
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