Contacts, here I come! You had cost me dearly in my standard run. But now I'm determine to get rid of you. Say No to Fly-Off! I'm on my way to be a 'Contact-phile'.

I had always associate yellow with "Danger"! Thanks for having an owner who spent quater of her lifetime inside a hazardous laboratory. I wonder why would the human paint the contact yellow, if they didn't want us to treat it differently. If running contact is the best way to execute, then they should have painted the entire dog walk with the same colour.

I had to go against my better judgement to stop avoiding the yellow zone. In fact, I desperately in need to develop a loving relationship with Mr. Contact. I was being showered with treats when I maintained my 4on position. Slurp!

By the end of the day, I had consistently conquer the Dog Walk. Now we are moving on to the 'Evil A Frame'. This week, the A Frame was being lowered, best to make use of the prime opportunity.

On the same day, we also suffered a major humiliation when Little Kimi Chai came bragging to me, saying that he can close one of his eye and yet still easily beat me off in agility. He sounds totally arrogant and I'm not amused. I nearly wanted to say that 'I can go blindfolded and beat you in high jump'. But Ms Owner said humiliation equals motivation, that's all it takes to make me even more determine to work my ass off. Although I carry the surname 'Mongrel', but it isn't an indication of being LOUSY!
Hi Pacco!
Congrats on conquering the Dog Walk, and we wish you luck with the evil A frame! Agility sure sounds like a lot of work, but it looks fun too!
Kimi Chair sure doesn't know who he's messing with!
You show him Pacco!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
The A-frame looks kinda steep and scary to us, Pacco, but you're a pro - we know you can conquer it! No problem for you! Look out, Kimi Chai!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
There is none better than you, Pacco. We know that you will be able to conquer anything you desire. We have total faith in you.
You show them how to do it Pacco. We know you can do it.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Pacco you are such a pro at agility, you'll get your contacts down no problem. I'm so slow, that I totally hit each time, so I guess I'll never win it all just like you. Good luck with your training.
Your pal,
Congrats, Pacco! You did very well. And you can to conquer the A-frame too! Show them you are the best!
You go girlie.
That A frame looks scary. We don't think we would like it. We know you can beat it though.
We know you can do whatever you set your mind to, Pacco! You are one determined doggie...and so cute too!
Poppy & Penny
Pacco you look so fit!
Go Pacco! You are amazing. Always learning new things. Your fan.
I know you won't let those dreaded contacts get the best of you! Go Pacco.
With those long legs of yours, you can keep in contact with 4 continents. An A-Frame should be a piece of cake.
Speaking of cake, I bet if you cooperated with Ms. Owner's PROGRAM OF CONTACTS—no matter how picky you think she is—she will shower you with all sorts of tasty rewards.
My advice? Just Do It!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Pacco!
I know you can do it!
Kisses and hugs
Hello. I just want to say that you’re doing good in your blog. I know a site where you can learn more about training dogs. It is called clicker training. I assure you that this one is superb. This was also recommended by dog trainers and veterinarians.
Great job, Pacco! You deserve some more food!
licks & slobbers
Pacco-You are the Joan Jett of Malaysian agility. You have your owner show you her picture. She's from the '80's. Joan Jett could totally take Kimi Chai any day. You keep tearing it up your own way. Just keep practicing your contacts in secret, don't tell Kimi Chai, then one day soon, you'll show that her. And even if you still miss them sometimes, you win for style points!
Good luck.
Simba x
I know you'll win Pacco, you gotta show that Kimi Chai some of your pawsome powers. ;)
PS: Somehow "Eil sleeping with Rain" doesn't sound right.. *giggles* hum...
~ Girl girl
Congratulations Pacco on winning in one of the Scary Eye Categories...that is so cool!
Definitely will give you motivation for sure. I think you can beat them all....
Keep up the hard work
We have faith in you Pacco!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
I think you need to kick Kimi in the butt!
I don't like yellow either!
I used to have to take yukky yellow medicine when I was a pup!!!!
Psst, Pacco. Once you've fooled them by fixing your contacts, it's time to stop at the top of the A-frame for a leisurely look round. "What's the rush, Mum?" Don't say I sent you. xxJake
We are sure that you will beat that little pest the next time. You are doing so well...
Big Hugs and Kisses
Gus and Louie
My mutt likes to skip the contact points too. What did you do to get yourself to touch them?
Pacco you are so cute, I always say Jane is allergic to yellow because she avoids it!!
I'm also asked to stop on the contacts for at least a second or two before continuing. What my mommy does is she stand right in front of me to stop & I do. When she's on my side, the problem is, I don't stop & will get off it. She learned this from Xsara's owner...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Go Pacco de Momngrel, you can do it!! Does Kimi Chai know how scarey you can be???
Wags, Eric
I know you will be gravitating to the danger zone! Yellow be scared!
You're contacts have many more slats than ours, interesting...
I can't believe you have to have a bath weekly, that's torture.
Woofs, Johann
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