This week family was full of drama. The parents wanted to fixed something, which deemed beyond repair, Mr. Brother state of mind. The annual report-card-collecting-day had just passed and as usual, Mrs. Mum ravings and Mr. Dad act denial.
Ms. Owner being blamed for not tutoring her own brother. Obviously, she isn't capable of waving such magic wand, or else Pacco de Mongrel wouldn't get a failing score in her recent obedience trial. Okay, I was being dragged into the heated discussion too.
I truly understand his feelings. Obviously we both have problems living up to expectation and suffered from 'Attention Deficit Disorder'. The worst is, we don't have a slight hint of regret for being who we are. He still enjoys playing racing games in the arcade, while I still enjoys being the household lunatic. Give me a 5!

She watched X-Files yesterday, but found out that X-files is losing its charm. This movie was nothing about government conspiracy and extraterrestrial species. She was slightly dissapointed.
I'm glad you have someone who understands you and who you understand. We all need that.
Sometimes is just takes longer to find your comfortable place. I secretly think you and brother are very comfortable in the fur that you have.
Oh no!! PL2 is sad that hte movie wasn't good!! She was sooo excited to see it!!! Best to be who you are!! Love and kisses A+A
Hi, Pacco!
So, you and Mr. Brother belong to the same team! Ha!
What isthe family going to do with you two???
Kisses and hugs
We think it's pretty neat that you have your brother to lean on at times like these, Pacco, and he has you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
awwwwwwwwww I hate report card time too :)
hang in there- the report cards will either get better or they'll get used to them !
Maybe you and brother take after charater in old movie Dog Dad like - Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Essex & Deacon
At least you two can stand up for each other. There are more important things in life than getting straight A's.
Huh? What Attention Deficit Disorder? Who? Where did the ball go? Ooooooo I have food in my dish? Wait! There goes the cat!
I'm sorry...ummmm yes, who needs training?
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
You don't need to get any A's. Just do what you do best & there always limits!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Sounds like your brother and you really are soul mates!! Sorry that X Files movie was not good :(
It's good you understand your brother. Give him a few licks for me. I think I have Attention Doggie Disorder too. Especially when squirrels are around.
hi Pacco, we think that you are not a failure at all! you are a wonderful well-trained, athletic beauty! you are your own special free spirit and so is your bruzzer.
Hi Pacco,
Oh please, if you ever think you are a 'failure', you should look at me.. I can't do jumps, agility, obedience, ANYTHING!! I can only act cute, look cute, pee/ poop, eat and maybe do the occasional 'Bang' trick.
You are so special and talented and I hope you know that!
* Hugs *
Tell your brother not to worry too much. One day he will find what he is great at (like you and your jumps). Then he will get all sorts of awards too.
Pacco, it doesn't sound like you had much of a summer vacation, so you must be worn out. I'm sure that's all it is. Anyway, aren't dogs supposed to be hanging out and enjoying life?
It's great to find a soul mate Pacco. Glad you found yours.
Too bad about the X-Files movie.
Has Ms Owner seen Mamma Mia lol. D wants to see that one.
Noah xx
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