Dear Dave,
Where are you, Dave? I miss you so much. I walk over wanted to greet you, but you was nowhere to be found. I search through your favourite sleeping place, but to no avail. I can't believe you leave me without saying goodbye.
The memories are still fresh in my mind. Do you still remember the day? It was 15 March 2008, a rainy day. You landed on my yard, wet, bleeding and scared. You were petrified, unable to move, eat or drink. I whisper to your ears 'Don't give up'.
It felt just like yesterday, that I met you, but 5 months had past. You had nurse back to your prime health. You never understand how thrill I felt when I saw you flapping your wings every night. I teased that your flying skill is lousy, but you never gave up.

The day had come when you had decided to leave me behind. I understand. You need to return to where you belong, the place you can find true happiness and enjoy the freedom. You had finally become a beautiful pigeon, spreading out your magnificient wings, soaring high above the horizon. I hope you will never forget me.

Now, whenever I gaze up the sky, I know I had a pigeon friend, named Dave. You proved to everyone out there, that they are wrong. Broken wing did not stop you from flying again. You showed me ruthless determination can overcome all obstacle in life. I am so proud of you, my one and only birdie pal. I hope you will always remember me, I know I will.

It's kinda sad that Dave's gone but good that he is where he belongs. Still, it brought a tear to our eye. Good luck Dave. We hope he will always remember your kindness Pacco.
Noah xx
what a lovely tribute to dave. I am glad he is back among the clouds.
That's so sweet!
Kisses, Sky boy
Hi, Pacco!
I loved your beautiful tribute to Dave! But is a good thing to know that he is now where he belongs!
I know you will miss him a lot!
Kisses and hugs
Dave will never forget you, Pacco! You were kind to him when he needed your help!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Pacco, it's bittersweet when your friend, Dave, flies away to join his friends in the sky. we're so happy to hear that he is healed and well and strong again. you took good care of him and helped him to be a bird again. but you had to set him free. it's not fair to keep a healthy bird in a cage. you're a good dog, Pacco, to let your friend Dave go back to his bird friends. we're sure he will always remember you fondly.
Dave will never forget you, Pacco!
Good to know that he is where he belongs.
That was wonderful Pacco.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Pacco-I'm sure you helped Dave he's flying in the sky where he belongs! You'll miss him-maybe he'll come back to visit!!
Pacco, glad to hear that Dave is heal & going back to where Dave belong. Dave sure a brave one & we should learn from Dave.
Dont be sad Pacco, Dave might drop by for a visit....
slurpy licks,
Hi Pacco
It made me happy and sad too. It is good to know he got better. And is now flying. Good that you and Dave didn't give up.
Aw, what a wonderful post and a wonderful thing you did for Dave de Mongrel. Pacco, you are a very special dog-person :-)
what a great friend you had in Dave. You guys did a great job making Dave healthy enough to leave!
Pacco, how wonderful you are. You helped nurse Dave back to health and now he is one with the wild again! You should be so proud of yourself. I'm sure Dave will always remember how wonderful you were to him!
Your pal,
i'm sure dave is happy to be with his gang again.
wet wet licks
Maybe Dave will stop by and visit you sometimes. Next time we see a pigeon, we will ask it if it knows Dave. If it does, we won't chase it.
So many blogs to catch up on. Hope everyone is fit and well.
Simba x
Aww, that's so sad, but rest assured that Dave is happily flying in the sky, and he could be watching you!
Awe, I am sorry Dave went away, but I just know in my heart that he will come back and visit you when you are least expecting it. I know he was so grateful to have landed in your yard. You will see him again.
Hi Pacco,
That's a beautiful story of determination. Dave had perseverance and kept trying, and eventually he could fly. It's sad that he's gone, but he's now roaming the skies with his kind.
Happy NOMS day by the way! This is a great story fur today!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
What a lovely story, Pacco. I'm sure you took good care of Dave. You should tell your Ms. Owner that you can take much better care of small injured animals than a HORSE could.
And tell her if she really wants a horse maybe she should consider a horse-dog (like me) next. That way she has her horse, you have your dog friend!
Oh Dave you will truly be missed...
Good luck in the great beyond..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
It's sad that Dave is gone but he's at where he belong now. :)
~ Girl girl
You did a really great job of helping Dave when he needed it most! He will never forget you! He might even come back to visit you once in a while!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Bye, Dave. *whimper*.
What a lovely post.
Dave will never forget you Pacco because you helped him do what he needed and wanted to do the most!!!So sweet! Love A+A
It's a sweetttttt sweettt story pacco...
please don't be sad...^^
life goes onnnn...
Dave will be happy out thre with lotsa friends :)
Hey Pacco, Dave will never forget what you had done for him. Hope all goes well for Dave!
I'm pretty sure that Dave will never forget you Pacco, Dave will be cheching on you from the sky...I love this post, you are so sweet Pacco.
I'm pretty sure that Dave will never forget you Pacco. He will be cheching on you from the sky. I love your post you are so swet Pacco.
Hi Paco--
I just got to Martha's Vineyard and now I need your help!
I am running for the Plum TV-MV Dog of the Month contest and the Aug. 15 deadline is looming. I have hardly any votes cause Ms. Alpha ran a terrible PR campaign. So I'm asking all my doggie friends to go to this website and paw out your vote by clicking on Fenway!
What a sad post this is. I think Dave is happy to go back where she is supposed to be. With her family! I know Dave will not forget you guys. I know she appreciates what you've done for her these past few months...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Awww. I know Dave will always remember how you nursed him back to health. Fly fee buddy!
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