The day started off with the traditional 3.5 km Dogathon race at 8.30am sharp. As the registration Q was moving at the pace of snail, we were concerned that we might not make it to the starting line in time. Anyway, we did made it there and met up with Groovy. I ended the race as 1st runner up in maxi class, while Groovy was the champ for mini dog category. What a relief to us, as this year we did not train for it. She just made a strong mental note: 'Don't stop although you felt like collapsing'. She will have plenty of opportunity to collapse later. Nonetheless, I did contributed to slow us down by having pitstop to pee and poo during the run.

The Pet-n-You demonstration were a crowd attraction. Frisbee, Flyball, Tricks, Freestyle and Obedience, you name it. Groovy showcasing some of his new moves together with a refreshing new song apart from his routine 'Save d Last Dance'.
I played my favourite Master Hunt game and unfortunately got myself stuck somewhere in the middle. The outcome was I turned out to be 3rd. Ginger made up to my failure by claiming the 1st place. As for 'Alien Says', it was not much obedience orientated, thus it took a very long time to get the winners. She got me knock-out by messing up with my right and left paw. While, Scruffy won during the 1st round. Later, she team up with Ginger and won in the 2nd round.

Not to forget, the Pet-n-You 5th Agility trial was also ongoing. She walked around the entire premise with me non-stop with the only thing in mine 'A tired dog is a good dog'. Okay, I certified that I'm indeed really tired, I need a rest. I promise I will not zoom away.
Drum rolls. The moment that was highly anticipated. To witness herself whether the crazy mutt will zoom off or not. Thank God, finally I'm not a disgrace to my family. This is the first time that despite losing, she felt thrill. But now I'm the one who was dissapointed with her. What the hell with all her mayhem crosses. She disorientated my flow and nearly cause me to crash to the broad jump. Shame on her. Anyway, she told me that I shall will remain in Jumper class till the doomsday.

The eventful day came to an end. Time for a group picture with my pals, Scruffy, Ginger and Tasha. See you again next year.
P/s: Hope next year they will get sponsor that provide dog food and treats for my materialistic owner.
Hey we won in the same events.
Nice work in Jumpers class, would have won if not for the broad jump fault. Handler's fault entirely.
WOW!! You must be EXHAUSTED!!!! and check out all those PRIZES!!! Way to go !!! Love and ksises A+A
You musta been really tired at the end of that day. A race AND then all the jumping. You looked great. Hope you had fun.
Wow! Those prizes are killing me!!! I wonder what were in those huge boxes? Congrats on your winnings guys! Scruffy & Ginger never fail to bring something back home neither do you Pacco. Hehe! Great job! Yeap, hardly any dog food but we don't need any as we don't eat Blackwood.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Mowe congwatulations on this and also fow youw pawlimpics win!!
smoochie kisses
Congratulations, looks like you worked really hard.
Simba x
Awesome job at the Dog-a-Thon, Pacco! I can see why you got so tired! Not zooming away during agility was great.
About your comment on my blog - yes, Catherine is my dad's stepmom. She is a fantastic trainer and I doubt I'll ever be as good as Kyle. Too bad I live so far away from her (she's in California and I'm in Ohio)or she could help mom train me!
You are still my hero.
Congrats, Pacco!! Sounds like a super fun day. :)
Love Clover xo
Congratulations, you did a pawesome job! I can't help but feel a little jealous at all those prizes ya got! Good job! I'm sure you had a BLAST.
Whoa! Nice haul, Pacco!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ooh Pacco, you are one smart doggie. What a lot you got and a Paw Lymips win too!! Way to go. Wags, Eric x
Maybe they will rename it the Paccolympics. Way to go.
Congratulations Pacco!
Sounds like a tiring day!
Kisses and hugs
Look at all those prizes ! But you sure earned them!
lots of love
congratulations on your winnings! The event looks very fun, the robot decorations are unique! :)
Pacco, you are the most handsome dog ever, your expressions are pricless. We love you is all we can say!
Axel and Mom
You rock pacco! great job. That dogathon looks like fun, we don't have anything like that here.
We all think you are amazing. Not only do you win prizes, but you get to hang out with aliens.
Great job at Dogathon Pacco! You always do so well and get all kinds of cool prizes!
Your pal,
Wow Pacco, you're really raking in the prizes!! Congrats :)
Hey there..
We both missed the Dogathon.. Grrrrr.... I think my brother Rusty would have enjoyed himself there. Wonder if he would have jumped into the lake?? :-)
It's great that you won the event!!!
Snoopy-girl & Rusty-boy
Pacco, you can finish all the prizes alone right, I give u a paw....
slurpy licks,
Congrats on your winnings, Pacco! You did a great job!
Congrats on your super performance!
Congrats on winning 2 gold medals back to back in the Pawlimpics Pacco - I have heard that the Phelps guy is getting nervous.
Pacco is indeed amazing with her obedience and agility!
As a member of committee, once again thanks for your support and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Hope to see you again next year!
Hey Pacco - at least those robots weren't doing the vet exam. That would have been very weird. Congrats too on getting round the agility course. I'm sure Ms Owner will do you proud one day. ;-) xJake
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