Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pacco de Indoor Dog

18 November 2007

Announcement. Grandparents had went for their annual vacation to Perth, Australia, to pay a visit to Auntie Margerat's family. I'm not gonna deny the fact that I'm gonna make my opportunity to hijack the house to the fullest. I predict they will be away for atleast a month. Grandpa, please don't miss me yeah. I will help to take care the flower pots.

I knew many of my DWB friends are 24hours indoor doggies, but I'm not. So when I get my once in a lifetime opportunity, I will really appreciate it.

I never had any accident.
I never chew forbidden item.
I never mark territory.
I never drink from the toilet bowl.
But I love to steal food.

So now I'm busy choosing my ideal sleeping area, testing each and everyone of it to see which suits me the best.

The living room. A place where I can enjoy watching tv. But unfortunately my owner don't subscribe to Animal Planet.

The 'alley way'. A place where I can enjoy disturbing the traffic and the best way to get yourself notice by the humans.

The dining room. A place where I can enjoy 'smelling' the food. But what's the pleasure if I can't eat any.

The verandah. A place where I can enjoy sun-bathing. But I think I'm tanned enough already. Don't you think so?

Finally, the bedroom. A place where the humans sleep. I think this would be the ideal sleeping place. Now let me bring in my pillow.

By the way, I'm also learning how to use the toilet bowl. Oooppps.... Sorry, I forgot that I'm a girl.

P/S: Please don't tell my secret to grandpa.


Amber said...

You're so obedient, your owner should let you stay indoor. We won't be seeing your post for 1 month? That's a long time.. :(



u enjoy yrself so much Pacoo that u forget u ar a girl, every coner of the house it's a paradise for u when grandparent when for holiday.

Duke said...

You're going to get so spoiled! You'll hate to see your grandparents come back! Enjoy yourself to the fullest, Pacco!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


It sure looks like you are having fun.
Dog Speed
Essex & Deacon

jaffeboy said...

Hello Parco, thank you for asking about my wound. I'm healing pretty well so far. Just finish my course of anti-biotic.

Wow... You get to care for the flower pot! I love digging flower pots & dirt! I'm sure you'll make a very nice garden for your grandpa!

Love, Kaylie

Joe Stains said...

way to go Pacco! make yourself at home!

Amber-Mae said...

Well Pacco, all I can say is, enjoy every moment of it being in the house! Don't tell me you're never allowed in the house or only once in a while? Poor girl...But luckily now you can. When will your grandparents be back? Hehehe Pacco, you're supposed to squat on the toilet seat, kekekeke...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Hahaha so enjoy eh (pointing to your living room picture). Do you get to try on your owner's bed?

Ohmygod...the last pict. Show us a pict when you are able to squat eh. :P

Boo Casanova said...

hahahaha pacco, you can pee like a man too?

wet wet licks


sharkgila said...

Kih kih kih kih, Pacco, you're so cute!! I love your photos, you look so cheeky in all of them.


Kien said...

oh.. i love that place where ur humans sleep.. oh.. look so cooling and comfortable.. heheh


Ume said...

hehe... the last pic is hilarious! i bet your hoomans' eyes will pop if u reali learnt to use the toiletbowl!

fee said...

i missed you too, pacco! i'm glad you're going to get the house all to yourself the whole month and have lots of fun testing all the beds and sofa! you look really cute lying on that pink cushion!

we won't tell your grandpa, no we won't. do show us more indoor photos and any interesting things you find in the house! enjoy your "vacation"!


Hammer said...

Hi Pacco
The only place for a dog is inside the house so you'll have to retrain your mum when your grandpa comes back home.
Love from Hammer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh Pacco, that last photo of you using the toilet is sooooooooo funny!

You will have a grrrrrreat time while they are away!

love and licks, Marvin xxxx

Johann The Dog said...

Hey Pacco! Sounds like you're getting a vacation too! Have lots of fun investigating the great indoors, my friend! Woofs, Johann

Harry said...

As Pacco says, looks like you're having a bit of a holiday too!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Sophie Brador said...

Pacco, The indoors suits you very well. I must confess, I always drink out of the toilet. It's the coldest water in the house.


Ferndoggle said...

Looks like you've already taken over the place!! You look great in all of your new sleeping quarters.


Clover said...

Hey Pacco!!
Have a great time being an indoor dog. Looks like you have a really nice and relaxing place to settle in!
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco
Thanks for sharing that last picture of you in the bathroom. You made my day!

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Pacco!!
It was a magical trip!! We had so much fun! And of course you can borrow the magical wand! Anytime!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Goofy said...

I love your photo trying to use the toilet!! wuahaha!! but hey, do enjoy urself the fullest!! ransake the house!!!!!!
oh btw, mom love the song on ur blog. she love this song very much too

Kirby said...

Hi Pacco,

Have a great time on the inside! You are gonna love it. All nice and dry (all the time)!

Your pal,

Hero & Casper said...

I never had any accident. ---> We too
I never chew forbidden item. ---> We too
I never mark territory. ---> We MARK !!!
I never drink from the toilet bowl. ---> We too, toilet busuk
But I love to steal food. ---> HHmm... we don't need to steal, the food the came to us...


Enjoy your indoor stay... May be your owner is a good bolster to you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Pacco,

Looks like you're so relaxed when you're indoors. Hope you'll have fun relaxing indoors. (^^)


Noah the Airedale said...

Hee hee Pacco, your secret is safe with us. We wont tell your grandpa. Hope they have a great holiday in Perth.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Simba and Jazzi said...

Wow you even use the human toilet. Now that is well trained.

Simba x

L said...

haha Pacco - and you wondered why we got confused and thought you were a boy!

Glad you are enjoying new sleeping places. Next time, try sleeping on the bed.
Comet and BLU

Biggie-Z said...

Happy vacation Pacco! You look like me in all your lying down pictures! Now you know why I like to lie down all the time. It's very comfortable and my people come to sit with me and pet me and give me treats so I don't have to steal them. See, I have already trained them to come and to feed me!

Love, Biggie

P.S. Toilet water is very tasty. I sneak it whenever I can. Mmmmm.

Murphey said...

Enjoy the bedroom, it's my favorite place in the whole house!


Randi said...

Hi Pacco! Did you know that I"m a girl too with a silly boy name? You are very pretty....& that pic of you using the toilet..well, I'L NEVER TELL!

I think you should repaint & redecorate the house...make it your own, you know...some nice bone borders on the walls & install some sod grass in the living room....Its your house after all!

Love & Licks,

Katherine and Pippa said...

you look like you are going to be very busy pacco.

have a good holiday.

Peanut said...

With those manners you should be in the house all the time.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

It sounds to us like you should be an indoor doggie all the time. You are better than we are! Enjoy your time. Maybe when they get back they will realize how good you are and you can continue to stay inside!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy
The Dachsies

Kapp pack said...

Wow, looks like you are very well-behaved in the house. They should let you have the run of the house all the time!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

e said...

awww Pacco
You look so cute lying on the pillow indoors.
I hope you get to do lots indoors.

Fei and E

shushu, momo & kero said...

Hi Pacco,

Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Hopefully when your grandparents come back, they will let you continue stay indoor.

Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Pacco

You're right about the sun tan, us black doggies are just the right colour all year round - tee hee!


Charlie Boy

Agatha and Archie said...

Enjoy your vaction!! We will miss you! Have a good time indoors!! love A+A

Casper and pals said...

Have fun being an indoor dog! We also recommend the bed as a great resting place!

Woofs, Casper, Nikki and Buddy

Stanley said...

Pacco Girl!

Your secret is safe with me!

By the way, your eyes are sooo bootiful!!

Goober love,

Mojo, Digger and family said...

A food stealer! You are a girl after my own heart!

I think the alley way is the best place to lie. Being in the way while watching everything is the best.


Deefor said...

Those floors look very cool and comfy. Lots of good spots. Course I usually like the bed.


p.s. don't forget to flush.