Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weekend @ YMCA

17 November 2007

It had been a long time since I last did some agility training. I miss the YMCA ground so much. The part that I miss most is to grab the opportunity to check out some of the new pups on ground.

Disloyal Ms. Owner was hugging the JRT pup. Grrr........

Me show off my balancing skill. Haha.....

Okay back to serious business and the main motive to be here. Mr. Chan complaint that my OB sucks. Thanks to Ms. Owner. So now I gotta undergo some extreme lesson from him. Paw crossed.

Me and Bank, the ever drooling golden. Notice that he got such a long tongue and great amount of saliva. Prepare some tissue please.

The thirsty Bank drank straight from the pipe.

Groovy heading home after the training session in his Groovy mobile. Bye to all my training mates, see you guys next Sunday.


Peanut said...

That looks like such fun. I drink straight from the pipe like that.

Amber-Mae said...

Your balancing act is not bad! I can never balance on something narrow like that, ever! Hehehe, why need OB training? OB sucks! Yeah, I noticed that Bank is always panting alot & has such a long tongue & a LOT of saliva! Lucky I no drool...Will only dribble when see food.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Love that balancing act! I bet it's not easy! I'll have to get Mitch to try that out!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

You'we balancing is pawsome! I don't think youw ownew should be disloyal to you cause you'we the gweatest!!!!
smoochie kisses

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, I am in awe of the balancing there Pacco!

You look as if you have a grrrreat time every time I look at your blog!

Your owner is very photogenic too!

like you!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Thor and Jack said...

Hey Pacco! In your country has agility and obedience in YMCA? In Brazil YMCA(ACM) is cool but no has this!

Love and licks

Boo Casanova said...

err... who is this mr chan to comment about your OB? hmmmpf!

wet wet licks


the Corgi Girls said...

Ooooh, that looks like so much fun!

M & I

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco
Your balancing act is great! I know not many can do that!
Have a good night

sharkgila said...

Hi Pacco,

That looks like a lot of fun. Great balancing, you're so steady on your feet!


Joe Stains said...

That training doesn't look so bad at all, except your Mom cheating on you!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I love drinking straight from the tap the water is nice and cold. Looks like you had a busy day.

Simba xx

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Pacco, so glad you got to go back to agility training. You're friend Bank drinks from the tap like we do. When it's hot that's the best way to drink.
Great balancing act btw.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy


Pacco yr balancing act looks good, overall looks fun, u must hav enjoy yrself...


Pacco yr balancing act looks good, overall looks fun, u must hav enjoy yrself...

L said...

Pacco - you are very good at balancing. We wouldn't even try to stand on something that small.

Your tongue looks almost as big as Bank's.

Comet and BLU

shushu, momo & kero said...

I drool like Bank too! My master always have a hanky handy to wipe them or else.....there will be flying drools everywhere when i shake my head...hehehe

Persephone and Buster said...

Nice balancing-act! You'll be a 'Gility Star in no time!

Bank's tongue appears to be about 14 metres long. We're impressed!


Buster & Persephone

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh it looks fun to meet up with so many doggie friends

~ Girl girl

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pacco, drinking straight from the tap is pawsome! Your pal, Bank, does have the longest tongue! J x

Ben & Darling said...

Oh that JRT pup so cute!!! but this lil fella steal your Ms.Owner heart huh. Nevermind Pacco, you can save some love lick to your Ms.Owner.....hehehe

So hows ya card thingy?? Im rushing for it now.

Anonymous said...


Looks like fun. My hooman said that the JRT pup reminds her of me when I was a pup many dog years ago.

Anyway, will get my hooman to blog soon. Too bad the hoomans are busy on Saturdays to bring me out to play @ YMCA... :(


Amber said...

Hey Pacco, you have lot's of friends in your training ground. Aw, you're so fit and balance so well. I should work out more...


Harry said...

Sounds like you're going to be working hard Pacco, good luck!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Prince said...

TAG, you're it!! Prince have tagged you...
Here's the Rules
Link to your tagger and post these rules:
List eight ( 8 ) random facts about yourself.Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them ). Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs okay?

Sorry I also dont want this happen :) I been tag by others also :p

Deefor said...

Great pictures. Looks like a fun day except for Mr. Chan dragging you by the neck. Love your movies.
