Inspired by Mr Chan's DVD production, we are amazed by his talented IT skills. It was such a shamed that Ms Owner often need to seek advise regarding computer knowledge from him. While, Ms Owner suddenly found out that her laptop had this 'Movie Maker' program, she keep herself busy for the entire day, making a video out of me. I think her mind was to preoccupied until she nearly forgot that she have three assignments due on Monday.
I think your Ms Owner is a natural talent in film editing. Love the video :)
Pacco! That was pawesome!!! We think there should be many more videos of you showcasing your talent.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Pacco, I LOVED it! Oh my, you weave sooo fast now & your owner doesn't even have to be very close beside you. I wish I will weave as good as you one day! youtube used to have the video editing but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. You have any idea where I can find it?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Excellent video. I do feel quite tired now though after watching you leap about!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Your mom did an awesome job with her video. You are really talented. We are hoping that we can do that well..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
What a talent. Watch out Doggie Wood.
Essex & Deacon
Awesome video, Pacco! We could sit here and watch you all day long!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We loved the video. Ms. Owner did a great job. Grammie doesn't even know how to link. We loved watching you do all your training. It proves you don't need one of those fancy papers to be SUPER.
That was a great video! Nice titles. Pacco you are a Star! Speilberg better watch out for your movie making Ms. Owner!
What a great video! We want our Momma to learn how to make videos of us too!
Woofs Casper, Nikki, and Buddy
Hi, Pacco!
Tell Ms. Owner that she did a great job with the video!
Its always very nice to see you in action!
Kisses and hugs
That's a nice video.. I wish I can jump as high as you Pacco
~ Girl girl
Nice video! You can really jump like spring....:P
Sweet Pacco!
Sorry I havent' been around lately, but I HAVE missed you.
I'm trying to catch up on what you've been up to, and I think that your Ms. Owner should be heading to Hollywood soon! She's a natural.
Goober love & smooches,
Good evening pacco.
It is a wonderful video.
A high jump and wisdom are blocked. :)
from loved ume tyan
Pawsome video! Loved watching it and Ms. Owner did a great job.
PaccoThank you fow witing to me..Asta shawes evewything with me so I'm vewy happy!love
I think Ms.Ownew did a gweat job with the video. Mommi doesn't know how to do was gweat to see you in action!
I'm going away fwom monday the 31st until the ninth , I hope you don't fowget me
smoochie kisses
Love the video!! Nicely done!
You're full of tricks aren't ya Pacco! You rock!
luv ya,
Lola Smiles
I loved the video! You´re so talented! And Ms Owner did a great job with the video!
We love the video. Your hooman did a great job. She has natural movie-making skills and of course you were a great lead actor. Fabulous!
Boy n Baby
That seems like a cool vid, Pacco!
BrandytheGreat and Gang.
Great video, you are so fit.
Simba x
That's a pawsome video, Pacco! You are very talented and oh so cute!
Poppy & Penny
Great video Pacco! You're so talented! Your owner did a great job on the video! unlike my mom.hehe. Love your jump moves and there're all great shots of you there!
That was brilliant Pacco. You're so agile and talented. Way to go girl!!!! We want more, we want more!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Excellent first video!!! Love it :)
Wow. That was great!! Both the video and the star was great.
i like this video and i like so much how you jump over Ms. Owners back.
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