~ Mr Felipe, you seemed to be pretty unreliable with your performance. Unrealibilty had been my major issue too ~
Ms Owner was having a break from school today. Since both of us was pretty lazy to practise on weaving, we just settle for doing some heelwork. With less effort, I got equal amount of treats. Whoopee! Below picture simply focus on my sexy and Ms Owner skinny legs. Mind her.

~ First is 'Attention!' (as per what Mr. Chan tends to command). ~


~ Pretty dressage. Left, right, left, right....... ~

~ Attention Heelwork. Yes, just focus on the palm. There' something yummy in there, which will be release at any second ~
By the end of the session, I had develop a stiff neck injury. Definately in need of a massage therapist. Obedience seems to be fun, when the 'stay' routine is being eliminated.
Pacco, you do very good obedience training! We have trouble with the stay command too! We just don't see the point!
Poppy & Penny
We are impressed that you can balance a board on your nose. We don't have a clue how to behave. You and Ms. Owner have done a great job.
Did you give her CPR when she had her cardiac arrest?
Wow, you balanced a plank on your nose? That's gotta hurt! Heehee! You do well with your 'attention' command. I can't do it at all! I have neck problems & just can't seem to lift it up to watch my mommy's face. I just watch her legs instead which I think is good enuf...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Pacco!
Looks like some nice heel work! Hope your owner had a nice break from school!
How is Dave doing?
Love Clover xo
You're sure one talented girl, Pacco! We love coming to your blog to see what you're up to next! You never disappoint!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, you are so smart. Come to the US and teach me!
pee-s: please visit my blog to vote for me so I can win the Bissell MVP contest!!!
Happy Easter, you are so SMART!
Hi, Pacco!
Kimi made our day too!
Good job with the heel work!
Kisses and hugs
Aiyahh...Massa is always messing around. I thought this year is Kimi's bad luck year. Looks like Massa is still bad luck. Do you agree with me Ferrari 2nd driver always have all the bad luck. Last time it was Barichello.
You're full of surprises Pacco. How did you learn to balance that piece of wood on your nose?? Clever girl! Poor you though you ended up with a sore neck. Hope you got that massage.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
You're full of surprises Pacco. How did you learn to balance that piece of wood on your nose?? Clever girl! Poor you though you ended up with a sore neck. Hope you got that massage.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I could do that , if I wanted too, which I don't. Oh ok you are very clever.
Simba x
Very smart, Pacco, I just dont have the patience to wait till the treat is released. I demand it NOW.
Wow, Pacco that is a very cool balancing trick! Very impressive attention heeling too! You are such a multi-talented, not to mention beautiful, pup!
You are THE SMARTEST dog we know!!! Love A+A
Hi Pacco,
Gret heel work. You are the ULTIMATE dog. You are so good at all your tricks, and jumps and obedience. It's my goal to be more like Pacco. Keep up the great work and keep on getting those yummy treats!
Your pal,
Pacco, Pacco,
You put me to shame... *sigh*
Hey Pacco, my mom wish I can learn to do that, cause I always walk in front , left to right, right to left when I go walkies. she finds it annoying. haha. Great job! That's good balancing !
Your heelwork looks good. I will do that for treats!
Toodle pip
Harry x
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