On the bright side, David Cook was announced as American Idol Season 7 winner. First time in 7 years, Ms Owner managed to mark the right winner. Last year, she did came close when she start marking over Blake Lewis since the Seatle audition. Mr. Beatboxer came out as runner-up. Not bad actually. But this year was simply amazing. Mr. Cook, you ROCK!

To add up to the spices, guess who we saw while we were watching the result show? Yes, is Robert Downey Jr.! Ms Owner can't actually recognize him, as he appeared different from Tony Stark. But after watching the movie twice in the huge cinema screen, it was hard to not recognize his face. Yes, we watched it twice in a row.

Mr Downey, along with Ben Stiller and Jack Black appeared as Gladys Knight's new Pips. It was simply hilarious to see all 3 funny man dancing awkwardly and try to sing along. But this was the best finale show ever!

This is the video clip we found from YouTube. Strictly meant for Ms Owner to watch it over and over again in near future.
Okay, Ms Owner, I think is time for you to stop drooling over men with some beard. Is time to get back in business. Exam is lurking around the corner. You see, I'm trying to be helpful to accompany you for the night so that you wouldn't yawn and eventually fall asleep.
Mom was really happy David Cook won too. Humans get excited over the dumbest stuff...
Our mom thinks they are really handsome too.. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
We were really happy that David C won...he was amazing all season...Billy Jean and The Phantom, just amazing...
Hope you have a great weekend!
Woofs, Johann
My mom doesn't watch that show.
oh.. same as peanut's mom, my mom doesn't watch this show.. does this mean she is out dated??
You could teach those "Pips" something about agility. That was a great video clip. We don't watch American Idol either.
My mommy liked David Archuleta better becoz he was sweet, young & just simply adorable! He can sing well but America picked the right choice becoz Cook is much more versatile. So congrats to Cook! Archuleta will get a contract anyway so no worries for him. Hope your owner will do well during her examination!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Aww, I think both the Davids look cute! Good LUck with the thing they call "exams"..From experience, my hooman gets really grumpy when that thing is near. So i suggest you dont get too close!
Congratulations to the winner. They are all really good, I'm glad I didn't have to decide you won.
Simba xx
We thought it was a great finale show too!
WOo woo, KA
Hi, Pacco...
I haven't talked to you before, but I wanted to say Hi...
My Mom was a David Cook fan, too...She also like Blake Lewis...I really didn't care who won as long as I could sit on Mom's lap while she watched it...
Hope to talk to you again...Please come visit my Blog...
Abby xxxooo
Mom said that she thought this season of AI had LOTS of very talented people! She's very happy for David Cook!
We thought Gladys Knight's new pips were hysterical!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Pacco!
We are fans of Manchester United! (even with Ronaldo who thinks is the king of the world!)
Glad David Cook won!
Now, back to bussiness and help Ms Owner to study!
Kisses and hugs
So sorry for Terry...but other than that...hehehe it's MU! MU! MU!
Hey Pacco
We don't watch American Idol...we don't even watch Australian Idol hee hee. You look cute in the last photo. Your eyes are funny hee hee.
Oh no we just realised that your nose isn't your ear and your right ear isn't your nose haa haa we're so silly.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess and Lucy
Paco....what's that book you're studying in the last picture? I see you highlighted a passage....is it about cats?
So happy that Manchester United won...about american idol ummm i don't know...anyway what are you reading?
we're not big fans of reality shows, but I'm glad your favorite won. and biiig congrats on the scary eye contest :)
We are glad she picked the winner!! Now tell her go study!!!!! Love A+A
Hi Pacco!
Our humans are really happy that David Cook won!
And we saw that "pips" video too! Mommy even bought it, she thinks it's hilarious! And guess what else? She saw Iron Man twice in a row too! BOL! So much in common!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Thank you for posting that video! My mom loves Robert Downey Jr. and was so happy to see it as she did not see the finale to American Idol!
thank you,
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