Monaco GP was as predicted. Chaotic. Although Ferraris secured the front grid, but the weather and mistakes screwed up everything. Massa settled for 3rd, while Kimi did a little dancing and then decide to invite Sutil to join him. What a great manuerer to spoil Force India's best race ever in history. With Sutil crying in the garage, now everyone who watched F1 hates Kimi. Some even go as far as to describe the situation as a 'kamikaze' move.
Last Saturday was a total torture for me. Jungle trekking used to mean fun and blasting time, but apparently it had turn into a dreadful grooming session for me. I was being undergo full body trimming with the renowed 'FurMinator'.

~See that black furball laying beside of me? Those 'was' my beloved coat ~
It had been a long time since I saw Groovy on trek and he was back in harness that he used to wear during his younger days. He did suffered the same fate as me, being under reign of the 'Evil FurMinator'. Ouch!

That FurMinator sure does one heck of a job, Pacco! Do you feel better for it or more naked?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I've not seen one of those Furminators but you look sort of more sleek after. More speed me thinks with less hair???
Wags, Eric
w00f's Pacco, me shure hopes my mama not seed this and comes after me wiff a gonna run...
b safe,
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Egad, does the furminator make you run faster and jump higher. We hope so. If it was us, we would hide it from Dad.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
That furminator should only be used on cats.
Flash says furminators are evil.
Oh no! You suffered from the FurMinator too??? That is one heck alot of fur taken off from you...My mommy is gonna order one soon. Oh s**t!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh yes, totally EVIL!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
I have never seen Furminator before, but I don´t like that!
Wow Pacco-that's alot of fur that the furminator took off! Scary!!!
My mom was kinda happy that Hamilton won Monaco....
Woh they took that much hair off you? It's like a black rabbit
~ Girl girl
I bet you are a lot cooler after that.
Simba x
That furminator did the job! now you are ready for the summer!
Hi Pacco!
You don't like the furminator, huh? My mom really wants to try it on me!
Love Clover xo
Are you sure that isn't a little animal next to you in the pic?
My mom is thinking about getting a furminator for me and my kitty sisters.
How did Ms. owner do on her exam?
Uh oh! Our mom is thinking about getting a furminator for us! Maybe we need to hide!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I've heard about those Furminators...and I'll have to confess they kinda scare me.
Is your mom going to knit you a sweater out of all the loose hairs??
The more I read about this Furminator, the more I think I need one!
Me can't believe all that hair came off you, wow!
Cassidy x
Oh no, the dreaded Furminator! Run for cover! J x
I haven't seen a Furminator around here-- but I'll be on the lookout for one. Looks bad.
WHAT! They stole your fur!! How is this OK? Isn't there some kind of mandatory minimum for Furminating? Well....There should be!
Ella Bean
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