~ How can that be possible. Is he human? Or super sapien? ~
I myself, don't fancy swimming that much. If I can help it, I don't even wanna get my shinny black fur soaking wet. You had no idea how long do I need to blow and groom it, is a high maintenance. But I had always tremendously admire legendary sportmens. From Micheal Schumacher, Theo Bos to Ian Thorpe. Now I would like to invite Phelps to have a friendly match with me. As a courtesy host, I shall choose his favourite style, Butterfly.

~ Michael Phelps (USA) vs Pacco de Mongrel (MAS)

~ On your mark, get set, jump! ~

~ Vigorously lethal Butterfly stroke ~

~ Huff and puff. Let us even out our breath ~

~Okay, he beats me, but only by a small margin. 1 minute is obviously insignificant ~
Afterall, swimming is not my specialty. I would have prefer racing on land. Track & Field would suit me better. Last but not least, congratulation to Phelps and all American for producing such a shattering record in Olympic history.

~ Congratulation to Michael Phelps and America ~
That's so cool that you raced with Phelps! Loved the drawing of Phelps...did your Mom draw it herself? She's such a talented lady!
What a gweat post..I think you might have beaten him..I love youw style..and you would cewtainly beat hi on landYou too awea agweat athlete!!!
I'm pwoud to know you!
Petey and I didn't keep that stance fow houws, just minutes..but we kept doing it ovew and ovew..tewwiews awe stubbown
smoochie kisses
w00f's Pacco, it looked like to me u almost beated him in dat race...heehee , challenge him to a hurdle or high jump contest, u wood fur shure win...
b safe,
Lol, that was so funny! :D
Well made and so cute - thanks for making us smile!
Wow! You do a great Micheal Phelps impersonation, Pacco! I don't think I can ever be as good as you. I'm a bit afraid to jump or dive into the water!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
An excellent post! Well done Pacco!
Furry khool pikhs and text!
Thanks fur visiting the blog and fur the wishes -
Akhtually, the day is next Tues, 8/26 - this was the day we first set eyes on each other - she had to file one of those applikhation things AND return the next Sat to see if I liked her enough to go home with her FUREVER!
Cool post!!! So kan cheong la when I read your post... dunno who's gonna win in the end. :P
He really is amazing but you're pretty darn good yourself Pacco.
Can you eat as much as Michael Phelps?
Pacco - your swimming form looks great! I think you could beat Michael Phelps with just a little more practice!
What a clever post! He certainly is super human!
Nibbles Cassidy x
We think he's part dolphin. I think you could have taken him if you weren't worried about your hair.
Great post, Pacco!
I think you are the only one who could come close to beating him. You almost have as many medals as he does!
Your friend, Lenny
Hi, Pacco! Thanks for visiting my blog. That was one intense race you had with Michael Phelps. I bet you could beat him by way more than 1 minute if you raced on land.
But you are soo sooooo much prettier than Mr. Phelps!!
Congrats on your medals!
Nice pics - woo win the gold medal too!!!
Thanks for stopping by our blog, be sure to come back again.
Woo, the OP Pack
Hi Paco
We think you are a great athlete as well, especially as you have won all those medals in the Paw-Limpics.
Thanks for coming and saying hello to us.
Molly and Taffy
Oh you almost got him! If you Mama did that drawing she is super talented! Pacco you must have made some record! You won lots of pawlimpic medals! That has to be some kind of record!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
What a super cool post, Pacco! We loved seeing you and Michael go head to head!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a wonderful comparison!! This was so cool!
Hi, Pacco!
Your post made my mom's day! She loves Michael Phelps!
Kisses and hugs
That was a good race. We realy enjoyed watching you almost win the gold. He must fear you in 4 years.
Just dropping by to say hello and catch up on all the news.
Simba x
Coming second to him is no mean feat!
Pats & pets
Maybe you should train for the Olympics next year! I'm sure with all the practicing you do, well...you could totally beat Phelps!
I think that since you are an awesome runner you should perhaps compete in the track events!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
yeah Pacco you look like him!
You are really good at that Pacco - are you two related? You are doing super in the pawlimpics, too!
licks & slobbers
Oh you almost had him Pacco - I think you could definitely beat him on land!
Phelps is one amazing human and you are one amazing dog! Hope you had fun trying to beat him.
Rambo the chi!
Great job Pacco. Maybe Phelps can give you some tips for the next Olympics-- but you're already a Paw-lyimpics medalist so who cares!
that is great!!!!!!!
p.s. you are way cuter than phelps :)
Well done, Pacco! You made us smile!
Michael Phelps sure is pawsome. I'll bet you'll win some medals too if you took part Pacco
~ Girl girl
Simply pawsome., Phelps might be pawsome but we like you far better.
Essex & Deacon
uau cool
Pacco, you swim like a fishie, you are a natural!! Practice hard for 2012, I'll be there to cheer you on!! Wags, Eric x
You are so much beastlier than Phelps! He doesn't even have hair on his chest!
hi Pacco, we enjoyed watching you swim with Phelps. that was pretty fun and we think your form is pawsome. you are one amazing dog!
Surprise, I got in your box!
Congrats, Pacco, you won again! You beat Phelps, now you have beaten all of us in singing and howling...wow, what an athlete!
and the HoundsInHeaven
great pictures - made mom laugh. Morgan
Congratulations on all the medals you won at the Paw-limpics! And what a great way to wrap it all up, your very own match with Phelps, and you almost won!
G'day Paco
What a fantastic post. I reckon you should issue him a challenge to compete on land :-)
Awsome picture of an awsome man, I can said that always, he is one of the greatest I ever know regardles of latest updates, GO MICHAEL PHELPS!
love your blog!
Greetings from Kansas!
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