Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Consolation prizes from SWDC's Agility Trial

Last Saturday I participated in the Selangor Working Dog Club 1'st Schutzhund and Agility Trial. I ofcause, took part in the Agility only, both Basic Jumper and Novice class.

These are my small haul of the day. Although I did not manage to step on the podium, but I was so thrilled to find out that I received 2 participant's trophies for my 'sporting spirit' and effort. They are just being too generous. And thanks to Groovy for an additional pack of dog food.

By the way, is time for me to update my christmas cards status again before it get too overwhelming. These are from Hammer Beau, Max Dex, Gussie, Bella, Jake and Just Harry.

Cards from Stanley & Stella, Huskee, Girl Girl, Snowball, Amber, Murphey and Reilley.

Cards from Ben Ben, Herbie, Opy, Lorenza, Kirby, Boo and Dopey.

Tomorrow is a public holiday over here in Malaysia. I hope all my friends will have a great day, while I'll be heading to Gasing Hill for my routine trekking. Enjoy.


Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Congrats on having a great time at the Agility Trials!

Schutzhund? Wow, some parts are real tough - and different too from OB. Like how the 180 degree turns and the dog turns opposite direction. Too tough for us leh!

Enjoy your goodies!

Amber-Mae said...

Hey, the trophies are nicer than the MKA's! Anyway, I'm not complaining, at least they're trophies. You're receiving quite alot huh Pacco? The mailman here disappeared again so haven't been receiving any for three day now. I hope he comes back soon so that I can finally take pictures of all of them & post it up on X'mas day!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lenny said...

Pacco, I am very impressed with your agility. We should do a cha-cha together sometime. :)

Your friend, Lenny

Lenny said...
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Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Pacco I am always amazed by your wonderful skills!

Your Christmas cards are so lovely too!

thank you for your kind comments on my blog - I am sorry to be so late in replying, we have had a busy time with Christmas stuff! but we love you lots and lots!

Sweet Pacco! Love and licks, Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxx

Xsara and Tani said...

Congrats on your agility awards and have a lot of fun trekking tomorrow!

Ferndoggle said...

Congrats on all of the awards. We hope you get our card soon...maybe in time for Christmas. We mailed it a couple of weeks ago!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Bond said...

Wow !!! Thats some nice trophies you got there .... and lots of beatutiful cards :)

Goofy said...

mom and i are total amazed with ur skills... i'm totally blur with agilities

Harry said...

How nice that you got trophies for having a go, and look at all that food!

Enjoy your trekking.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Pacco,
Congrats on your trophies, well done. We hope you get our card soon, we posted it ages ago....eeep.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats on your trophies, Pacco!
And all those cards are very beautiful!

Love and licks

Deefor said...

What a great star you are! Nice prizes! And your tree looks grreat with all those happy doggie cards.


Lizzy said...

Congratulations, Pacco! Those are nice prizes!

Those cards are all beautiful. Christmas is coming to soon!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Pacco
Trophies and food! Congratulations!
It makes me so happy that you got my card!
Enjoy your trekking!
Have a good night

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your tree looks pawsome with all the cards. Have fun trekking and come back with pictures

~ Girl girl


nice nice, sobs

L said...

Good job winning all that food! We love how you show off your new cards on the tree. Enjoy trekking tomorrow.
Comet and BLU